Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/13

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Now Cancer glows with Phœbus' fiery car;
The youth rush eager to the sylvan war;
Swarm o'er the lawns, the forest walks surround,
Rowze the fleet Hart, and cheer the opening hound.
Th'impatient courser pants in ev'ry vein,
And pawing, seems to beat the distant plain;
Hills, vales, and floods appear already cross'd,
And 'ere he starts, a thousand steps are lost.
See! the bold youth strain up the threat'ning steep,
Rush thro' the thickets, down the vallies sweep,
Hang o'er their coursers heads with eager speed,
And earth rolls back beneath the flying steed.
Let old Arcadia boast her ample plain,
Th'immortal huntress, and her virgin train,
Nor envy, Windsor! since thy shades have seen
As bright a Goddess, and as chaste a Queen;
