Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/24

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The grave unites; where ev'n the Great find rest,
And blended lie th' oppressor and th'opprest!
Make sacred Charles's tomb for ever known,
(Obscure the place, and uninscrib'd the stone)
Oh fact accurst! what tears has Albion shed,
Heav'ns what new wounds! and how her old have bled?
She saw her sons with purple deaths expire,
Her sacred domes involv'd in rolling fire.
A dreadful Series of intestine wars,
Inglorious triumphs, and dishonest scars.
At length great Anna said—Let discord cease!
She said, the World obey'd, and all was Peace!
In that blest moment, from his oozy bed
Old father Thames advanc'd his rev'rend head.
His tresses drop'd with dews, and o'er the stream
His shining horns diffus'd a golden gleam;
