Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/42

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See barb'rous [1]nations at thy gates attend,
Walk in thy light, and in thy Temple bend;
See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate Kings,
And heap'd with products of [2]Sabæan springs!
For thee Idume's spicy forests blow,
And seeds of gold in Ophyr's mountains glow.
See heav'n its sparkling portals wide display,
And break upon thee in a flood of day!
No more the rising [3]Sun shall gild the morn,
Nor ev'ning Cynthia fill her silver horn,
But lost, dissolv'd in thy superior rays,
One Tyde of glory, one unclouded blaze
O'erflow thy courts: The Light himself shall shine
Reveal'd, and God's eternal day be thine!
