Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/46

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Baccar and Colocasia mix'd with smiling Acanthus. Thy Cradle shall pour forth pleasing flowers about thee.

Isaiah, Ch. 35. ꝟ. 1. The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, and the defart shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. Ch. 60. ꝟ. 13. The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the firr-tree, the pine-tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of thy Sanctuary.

Hark! a glad Voice, &c.

Virg. E.4. ꝟ. 48. Aggredere ô magnos, aderit jam tempus, honores,
  Cara deûm soboles, magnum Jovis incrementum!

  Ipsi lætitiâ voces ad sidera jactant
  Intonsi montes, ipsæ jam carmina rupes,
  Ipsa sonant arbusta, Deus, Deus ille Menalca. E. 5. ꝟ. 62,

Oh come and receive the mighty honours: The time draws nigh, O beloved offspring of the Gods, O great encrease of Jove! The uncultivated mountains send shouts of joy to the stars, the very rocks sing in verse, the very shrubs cry out, A God, a God!

Isaiah, Ch.40. ꝟ. 3, 4. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord! make strait in the desart a high way for our God! Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made strait, and the rough places plain, Ch. 4. ꝟ. 23. Break forth into singing, ye mountains! O forest, and every tree therein! for the Lord hath redeemed Israel.
