Page:Windsor Forest - Pope (1720).djvu/53

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( 55 )

Snatch me, ye Gods! from these Atlantic shores,
And shelter me in Windsor's fragrant Bow'rs;
Or to my much-lov'd Isis walks convey,
And on her flow'ry banks for ever lay:
Thence let me view the venerable scene,
The awful dome, the groves eternal green;
There sacred Hough long found his fam'd retreat,
And brought the Muses to the sylvan seat,
Reform'd the wits, unlock'd the Classic store,
And made that music which was noise before,
There with illustrious Bards I spent my days,
Nor free from censure, nor unknown to praise;
Enjoy'd the blessings that his reign bestow'd,
Nor envy'd Windsor in the soft abode.
The golden minutes smoothly danc'd away,
And tuneful Bards beguil'd the tedious day.
