Page:Wine - Gay (1708).djvu/12

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( 12 )

For Bordeaux we with Voice Unanimous
Declare, (such Sympathy's in Boon Compeers.)
He quits the Room Alert, but soon returns,
One hand Capacious glist'ring Vessels bore
Resplendant, th' other with a grasp secure,
A Bottle (mighty charge) upstaid, full Fraught
With goodly Wine, He with extended Hand
Rais'd high, pours forth the Sanguin frothy Juice,
O'respred with Bubbles, dissipated soon:
We strait t' our Arms repair, experienc'd Chiefs;
Now Glasses clash with Glasses, (Charming Sound,)
And Glorious ANNA's Health the first the best
Crowns the full Glass, at Her inspiring Name
The sprightly Wine Results, and seems to Smile,
With hearty Zeal, and wish Unanimous
The Health we drink, and in her Health our own.

A Pause ensues, and now with grateful Chat
W' improve the Interval, and Joyous Mirth
Engages our rais'd Souls, Pat Repartee,
Or Witty Joke our airy Senses moves
To pleasant Laughter, strait the Ecchoing Room
With Universal Peals and Shouts resounds.

The Royal Dane, blest Consort of the blest QUEEN,
Next Crowns the Rubied Nectar, all whose Bliss
