Page:Wine - Gay (1708).djvu/6

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( 6 )

So Mists and Exhalations that arise
From Hills or steamy Lake, Dusky or Gray
Prevail, till Phæbus sheds Titanian Rays,
And paints their Fleecy Skirts with shining Gold,
Unable to resist the Foggy Damps
That veild the Surface of the verdant Fields,
At the Gods penetrating Beams disperse:
The Earth again in former Beauty smiles,
In gaudiest Livery drest, all Gay and Clear.

When disappointed Stephen meets Repulse,
Scofft at, despis'd, in melancholic mood
Joyless he waits in sighs the lazy Hours,
Till Reinforc't by thy Almighty Aid,
He Storms the Breach, and wins the Beauteous Fort,

To pay thee Homage, and receive thy Blessings,
The British Marriner quits native shore,
And ventures through the tractless vast Abyss,
Plowing the Ocean, whilst the Upheav'd Oak
With beaked Prow, Rides tilting ore the Waves;
Shockt by Tempestuous jarring Winds she Rolls
In dangers Imminent, till she arrives
At those blest Climes, thou favourst with thy presence;

Whether, at Lusitanian sultry Coasts,
Or lofty Teneriff, Palma, Ferro,
Provence, Or at the Celtiberian Shores;
