Page:Winter - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/463

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Standard and Popular Library Books.
George Henry Lewes. The Story of Goethe's Life, Portrait, 12mo, $1.50; Problems of Life and Mind, 5 vols. 8vo, $14.00.
A. Parlett Lloyd. The Law of Divorce, cloth, $2.00; sheep, $2.50.
J. G. Lockhart. Life of Sir W. Scott, 3 vols. I2mo, $4.50.
Henry Cabot Lodge. Studies in History, cr. 8vo, $1.50.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Complete Poetical and Prose Works, Riverside Edition, 11 vols. cr. 8vo, $16.50; Poetical Works, Riverside Edition, 6 vols. cr. 8vo, $9.00; Cambridge Edition, 4 vols. 12mo, $7.00; Poems, Octavo Edition, Portrait and 300 Illustrations, $7.50; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Red-Line Edition, Portrait and 12 Illustrations, small 4to, $2.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Christus, Household Edition, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Prose Works, Riverside Edition, 2 vols. cr. 8vo, $3.00; Hyperion, 16mo, $1.50; Kavanagh, 16mo, $1.50; Outre-Mer, 16mo, $1.50; In the Harbor, 16mo, $1.00; Michael Angelo: a Drama, Illustrated, folio, $5.00; Twenty Poems, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Translation of the Divina Commedia of Dante, Riverside Edition, 3 vols. cr. 8vo, $4.50; 1 vol. cr. 8vo, $2.50; 3 vols. royal 8vo, $13.50; cr. 8vo, $4.50; Poets and Poetry of Europe, royal 8vo, $5.00; Poems of Places, 31 vols. each $1.00; the set, $25.00.
James Russell Lowell. Poems, Red-Line Edition, Portrait, Illustrated, small 4to, $2.50; Household Edition, Illustrated, 12mo, $1.75; cr. 8vo, full gilt, $2.25; Library Edition, Portrait and 32 Illustrations, 8vo, $3.50; Cabinet Edition, $1.00; Fire side Travels, 12mo, $1.50; Among my Books, Series I. and II. 12mo, each $2.00; My Study Windows, 12mo, $2.00; Democracy and other Addresses, 16mo, $1.25; Uncollected Poems.
Thomas Babington Macaulay. Works, 16 vols. 12mo, $20.00.
Mrs. Madison. Memoirs and Letters of Dolly Madison, 16mo, $1.25.
Harriet Martineau. Autobiography, New Edition, 2 vols. 12mo, $4.00; Household Education, 18mo, $1.25.
H. B. McClellan. The Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. With Portrait and Maps, 8vo, $3.00.
G. W. Melville. In the Lena Delta, Maps and Illustrations, 8vo, $2.50.