Page:Wired Love (Thayer 1880).djvu/102

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Collapse of the Romance.

"Yes," Nattie replied as she took this survey, "I am."

"You don't know me, I suppose ?" was the next question.

"No," Nattie replied with a glance at the large mock diamond pin, and immense imitation amethyst ring he wore; "I certainly do not."

"I think you are mistaken about that," he rejoined, smiling at her in a most unpleasantly familiar manner.

Surprised and offended, Nattie drew back haughtily. "I think, rather, you are mistaken," she said, stiffly. "May I inquire your business?"

With an air of easy confidence and familiar remonstrance, he replied,

"Come, now, don't freeze a fellow; why, I came to see you. That's my business and no other!"

"He is drunk," thought Nattie, indignantly, but before she could reply he added,

"I am an operator, you see."

"Oh!" said Nattie, comprehensively, but not at all delightedly, for operator or no operator, and notwithstanding the sort of freemasonry between those of the craft, she preferred his room to his company. But constraining herself, she added as civilly as possible, "Did you wish to send a message, or speak to any one on the wire?"