Page:Wired Love (Thayer 1880).djvu/256

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O. K.

Clem made a hasty motion, and then, as if aware any interference of his would only make matters worse, checked himself. But Cyn came to the front with striking effect.

"You ought, certainly, to be well informed on the subject of old females who run after old men!" she said, witheringly. "If one may believe what the Tor——what Mr. Fishblate says!"

This shot told. Miss Kling turned livid with rage and mortification, and burst into a terrific spasm of sneezing.

"Miss Rogers," she said, wrathfully, as soon as she recovered sufficiently to speak, "your conduct and that of your associates is such, that I can no longer allow you to remain on my premises."

"Miss Kling, this is—is very unjust," said the agitated Nattie.

"It is against the wishes of her friends that she has remained as long as she has," cried Cyn, hotly.

"Miss Kling, your proceedings are infamous!" exclaimed Clem, not able to contain himself longer.

Rather afraid to draw, out Cyn any more, Miss Kling gladly seized this opportunity to attack Clem.

"Young man, what right have you to inferfere?" she inquired, majestically.

Clem bit his lip. Sure enough, what right had he?