On this website was a "Shout Box," a local digital message board allowing everyone to leave a comment or a note behind and participate in the project.
Figure CsOTI 4: First RHI WiFi node (Ubiquiti Nanostation) installed on the rooftop of the building that houses the RHI offices.
In March of 2012, Baldwin and Schloss installed an additional Ubiquiti Nanostation on the roof of an apartment building overlooking Coffey Park and much of the rest of the neighborhood.
A resident of the building with social ties to RHI donated the electricity and rooftop access.
With this vantage point on the neighborhood, the possibility of a wireless network connecting public spaces began to take shape.
Initially, the Coffey Park wireless access point was not connected to the Internet, but was connected to a GuruPlug Server.
The basic, low power server hosted a local web page on the network and a "Shout Box" similar to the one running in RHI.