Page:Wit Restor'd in Severall Select Poems, 1658.djvu/196

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Wit Reſtor’d.
My lord Barnard ſhall knowe of this
Whether I ſink or ſinn;
And ever where the bridges were broake
He laid him downe to ſwimme.

A ſleepe or wake thou Lord Barnard,
As thou art a man of life
For little Muſgrave is at Bucklesfordbery:
A bed with thy own wedded wife.

If this be true thou litele tinny Page,
This thing thou telleſt to mee,
Then all the land in Bucklesfordbery
I freely will give to thee.

But if it be a ly, thou little tinny Page,
This thing thou telleſt to me;
On the hyeſt tree in Bucklesfordbery
Then hanged ſhalt thou be.

He called up his merry men all
Come ſadle me my ſteed,
This night muſt I to Buckellsfordbery,
For I never had greater need.

And ſome of them whiſtl’d & ſome of them ſung,
And ſome theſe words did ſay;
And ever when my lord Barnards horn blew,
A way Muſgrave a way.
