Page:Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume 6.djvu/11

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An Alphabetical Table.

There was an Old Man, 100
There is a Thing which in the light 106
There’s not a Swain, 110
Tormenting Beauty leave my Breast, 111
Tell me why so long, 114
’Tis a foolish mistake, 115
Tell me, tell me, charming 128
Tho’ thou’rt ugly and Old, 143
Tho’ you make no return, 149
The King is gone to Oxon Town, 158
Tho’ I love and she knows it, 167
There was three Travellers, 177
Troy had a breed of brave 218
There’s none so Pretty 222
The Ordinance a-board 218
That scornful Sylvia’s Chains 260
Tom Tinker’s my true love, 265
To you Fair Ladies now at Land, 272
Then come kind Damon come 323
The Night is come that will, 330
There’s a new set of Rakes, 330
Tho’ Begging is an Honest Trade, 338
The Rosey Morn lukes blith and Gay 360
The Restauration now’s the Word, 361
Underneath the Castle Wall, 120
Unguarded lies the wishing Maid 129
Vobis magnis parvis dicam 234
Whilst Phillis is Drinking, 13
War, War and Battle now no more, 15
What shall I do, I am undone, 121
When Wit and Beauty, 151
When Sylvia was kind, 153
What, Love a crime, 154
When I have often heard young Maids, 156
What state of Life can be, 163
When Jockey first I saw, 165
When Dido was a Carthage Queen, 192
We merry Wives of Windsor, 211
