Page:Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume 6.djvu/6

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An Alphabetical Table.

A World that’s full of Fools and Mad-men, 229
Astutus Constabularius, 237
Amor est Pegma, 239
Abroad as I was walking, I’spy’d 247
A Pedlar proud as I heard tell, 248
A Young Man and a Maid, 251
All own the Young Sylvia is 261
A Swain in despair, 262
As I came down the hey Land Town, 275
A Jolly young Grocer of London Town, 286
As it befel upon one time, 289
A Taylor good Lord, in the Time of Vacation, 292
A Comely Dame of Islington, 296
Ah! how happy’s he, 303
A Little Love may prove a Pleasure, 307
At the Change as I was a walking, 324
All you that must take a leap in the Dark, 327
Alphonzo, if you Sir, 339
A Worthy London Prentice, 342
At the break of Morning light, 357
Belinda’s pretty, pretty pleasing Form 11
Blush not redder than the Morning, 195
Banish my Lydia these 203
Beauty, like Kingdoms not for one, 217
Beneath a cool Shade Amaryllis 270
Boasting Fops who court the Fair, 314
Come here’s a good Health, 8
Cupid make your Virgins tender, 17
Corinna I excuse thy Face, 34
Chloe found Love for his Psyche 49
Coy Belinda may discover, 52
Corinna ’tis you that I love, 54
Come buy my Greens and Flowers, 124
Cælia’s bright Beauty all others transcend, 157
Come from the Temple, away to the Bed, 198
Come all that are dispos’d 255
Chloris, can you 299
