Page:Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume 6.djvu/9

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An Alphabetical Table.

Let Mary live long, 84
Lerinda complaineth that 85
Lay by your Pleading, 191
Love’s Pow’r in my Heart 204
Let’s wet the whistle of the 224
Let’s Sing as one may say 226
Lucinda has the de’el and all, 232
Love is a Bauble, 238
Lais when you 295
Lorenzo you amuse the Town, 302
Love’s Passion never knew 305
Let those Youths who Freedom 333
Lavia would, but dare not venture, 353
Love, the sweets of Love, 368
Marlborough’s a brave Commander, 9
My dear Corinna give me leave, 81
May her blest Example chace, 97
My Dear and only Love, 122
My Nose is the largest of all 131
My Nose is the Flattest of all 132
Mortals learn your Lives to 161
Mirtillo, whilst you patch 169
My Friend thy Beauty 294
Must Love, that Tyrant of the 315
My Theodora can those Eyes, 337
Now dry up thy Tears, 40
No, no, poor suffering Heart, 90
New Pyramid's raise, 99
Never sigh, but think of kissing, 103
Now, now the Queen's Health, 116
Noble King Lud, 134
Now I’m resolv’d to Love no more 312
Not your Eyes Melania move me, 322
Now, now the Night’s come, 349
Now Jockey and Moggy are ready, 350
Oh! my Panting, panting Heart, 25
Over the Mountains, 86
