Page:With the Russians in Mongolia.djvu/42

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concluded the Russo-Mongolian Agreement in November 1912.

The authors are much indebted to Sir Claude MacDonald for writing the Preface, and for his helpful suggestions regarding the book.

The authors' thanks are also due to Dr. Morrison, Political Adviser to the Chinese Government, for his advice and encouragement, and for so kindly lending several of the photos printed in the book, and to the various officials and merchants, Chinese and Russian, with whom they came in contact.

The spelling adopted by the Chinese Postal Service has, as far as possible, been used for places mentioned in China and Mongolia.

The first three chapters of the book contain a description of the connection of the Russians with Mongolia, the general political situation, and a short account of the Mongol race.

Chapters I., II., III., VII., VIII., and IX. are the result of collaboration. Chapters IV., V., VI., X., and XI. are written by Captain Otter-Barry; and Chapters XII.—XVIII. by Mr. Perry-Ayscough.