Page:Witness Protection Ordinance (Cap. 564).pdf/6

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Ord. No. 67 of 2000

(iv) the participant notifies the approving authority in writing that he wishes to terminate his protection; or
(v) the approving authority reasonably believes that the circumstances on which he based his decision to include the participant in the witness protection programme no longer exist or, for other reasons, it is no longer appropriate to extend protection or assistance to the participant;
(b) an agreement by or on behalf of the participant not to compromise, directly or indirectly, any aspect of the protection and assistance being provided;
(c) an agreement by or on behalf of the participant that the participant will comply with all reasonable directions of the approving authority in relation to the protection and assistance provided to the participant;
(d) an agreement by or on behalf of the participant that the participant will, if required to do so by the approving authority—
(i) undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric tests or examinations and make the results available to the approving authority; or
(ii) undergo drug or alcohol counselling or treatment;
(e) a list of—
(i) the outstanding legal obligations (including family maintenance obligations and taxation obligations) of the participant; and
(ii) any other obligations of the participant, and an agreement by or on behalf of the participant as to how those obligations are to be met;
(f) a financial support arrangement;
(g) an agreement by or on behalf of the participant that the participant will disclose to the approving authority details of any criminal charges that are made against, and any civil or bankruptcy proceedings that are made in relation to, the participant after the participant is included in the witness protection programme; and
(h) such other terms and conditions as the approving authority may consider necessary in the circumstances of a particular case.

(3) A witness becomes included in the witness protection programme when the approving authority signs the memorandum of understanding.

(4) The approving authority shall, as soon as practicable after signing a memorandum of understanding, notify the relevant participant that it has been signed.