Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan (1).pdf/23

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a short time before his death, he had a great desire to visit his native country, and the place of his nativity. Therefore he petitioned the king for permission to do so which was granted. So he set out for Scotland, and went to the parish of Buchanan, in Dumbarton shire, where he visited all his relations and friends - But George staying longer from court than the time allowed, the king sent him several messages to return, to which he returned no answer. At last the king sent him a letter threatening, that if he did not appear before him in the space of twenty days he would send his Lyon Heralds for him; to which George returned the following answer. My honeur'd Liege, and sovereign King, Of your boasting great I dread nothing : On your foud or favour I'll fairly venture ; Or that day I'll be where few kings enter. And also gave him many good admonitions and direct- ions concerning the goverment of his kingdom and the well doing of his soul; which drew tears from the king's eyes when he read it.

WILL SCOTT A celebrated attendant upon the Sheriff, well known for his activity in the execution of his orders, as well as for taking a bit comfortable guzzel which finances would afford it, was one Sabbath day snugly seated in the pow behind the Bailies at church. Will had not been there long till he was seen lull'd into sweet slumbers, and fancied himself seated along with his companions over a good Imperial Half-mutchkin, and in a short time the reckoning came a-paying, when