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Witty and Entertaining





MR. GEORGE BUCHANAN was a Scotſman born, and though of mean parentage, made great progreſs in learning.—As for his underſtanding and ready wit, he exceeded all men then alive in that age, that ever propo- ſed queſtions to him.—He was ſervant or teacher to King James VI. as his private counſellor, but publicly he acted as his fool.

It happened one day, that a young airy nobleman went into the king's garden to pull a flower for a young lady he fancied: George followed at a diſtance; ſo when the young man found a flower to his pleaſure, he would not pull it himſelf, but to find it again, without further ſearching, he covered it with his hat, and went away for his ſweetheart; no ſooner was he gone, but up goes George, lifts his hat, pulls the flower, then eaſes himſelf on the ſpot, and covers it with the hat again, and away he goes. In comes the young man, leading his ſweetheart to pull the flower below the hat; but as ſoon as he lifted the hat, and ſeeing what was below, be looked like a fool. The lady flies in a paſſion, off ſhe goes, and never would countenance him any more. The young man being ſadly vexed at this affront done to him by George, ſent him a challenge to fight him, appointing day and place where they were to meet. Being to fight on horſeback, George gets an old ſtiff horſe, and for harneſſing, covers him about with blown bladders, with a little ſmall ſtone in each, without either ſword or ſpear, away to the field he goes, where the duel was appointed; ſo when George ſaw his enemy coming again him all in glittering armour, armed with ſword and pear, he rode up to him with all the ſpeed his horſe could carry him, and his horſe, as is ſaid, being all covered over with bladders, the ſmall ſtones in them, made ſuch a terrible noiſe, that the gentleman's fine