Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/13

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George having washed himſelf, it came again to take away the baſon and water. Then said George, And how long is it since you left your own country? About two hundred and fifty years ago, says it, Then, certainly, says George, thou art a devil, and not an earthly creature.To which it answered,

                      I am what I am, and a Christian too.
                              Then, says George.
                      I am what I am to conjure you.

George taking a handful of water, and throwing it upon the old withered face of it, repeating the form of the words of baptism, in Earse, saying, If thou be'st a Christian, thou art old enough now so be baptized--No sooner had George done this, but it set off weeping and crying, O! let never a rogue put truſt in his countryman after me.-- Now, says George, I told you the devil dare not stay in my country, nor yet look a Scotſman in the face in his own. What, says the Italian Lord, do you imagine that this is the devil's own country? It appears so, says George. for he is the oldest residenter in it I know; but my Lord said he, and if it please your grace, I think the Clergymen are very scant in this country when you have kept the deivl so long for a Chaplain. The Nobleman, unto this