Page:Witty and entertaining exploits of Mr Geo. Buchanan.pdf/2

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                                 WITTY EXPLOITS
                               MR GEORGE BUCHANAN.

MR. GEORGE BUCHANAN was a Scotsman born; and though but of poor parentage, made great progreſs in learning; Aş for his understanding and ready wit, he exceeded all men then alive in that age, that ever propoſed queſtions to him. He was ſervant or teacher to King James VI., as his Private Counsellor, but publicly he acted as his fool.

 1. There was a bell at Dalkeith, which the Popiſh Clergy made uſe of to extort

confeſſions from the ignorant people. They told the perſons whom they suspected guilty that the bell would rive, at the touch of a guilty person; but, if not guilty, it would not. By this means they generally frighted the ignorant into confessions, for, if the bell rive, the person was then to be condemned to death. But they managed so, that the bell was never put to the trial, till George did as follows. He was taken up for saying, That the Pope was fallible himself, and could not pad on the sins of others.--