Page:Wives and mothers in the olden time.djvu/14

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CHAPTER VI. PAGE After the conversion of Elesilla St. Paula redoubles her fervour The longing to visit the Holy Places grows in her mind Opposition which she has to encounter from those around her- Letter from St. Jerome to Eustochium . . . 120 CHAPTER VII. Continuation of the letter of St. Jerome to Eustochium Thanks of Paula s daughter Fresh efforts on the part of St. Jerome to confirm Paula and her daughters in these holy dispositions ........ 139 CHAPTER VIII. Death of Blesilla Io2 CHAPTER IX. After the death of Blesilla grief and piety combine to decide Paula to undertake her great pilgrimage to the Holy Places Her departure for the East 163 CHAPTER X. St. Paula in the East Her pilgrimages to the Holy Places . 1 79 CHAPTER XI. Pilgrimages of St. Paula in the Holy Land .... 201 CHAPTER XII. Paula s journey into Egypt 220 CHAPTER XIII. St. Paula decides to settle at Bethlehem She builds her monasteries Her letter to Marcella 234