Page:Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906.djvu/190

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"Fate grants not passionless repose
To her who weds a glorious name."


CATHERINE, elder daughter and third child of Sir Stephen Glynne, eighth Baronet, by his wife, Mary Neville, daughter of the second Lord Braybrooke, was born at Hawarden Castle, Flintshire, on 6th January 1812. Lady Glynne was a grand-daughter of George Grenville—Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge was a member of this family—the Minister whose Government was responsible for the "Stamp Act" (1763), which led to the loss of the American Colonies, and niece of Lord Grenville, Prime Minister in 1806-7, and head of the Cabinet of "All the talents," which abolished the Slave Trade. His only sister became the wife of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and the mother of William Pitt, the Younger. Thus Catherine Glynne was related by birth with four famous Prime