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372 HAUENSTEIN—HAWKES Suffrage Party of Mass., College Equal Suffrage Honor Lodge. Pres. Avon Shakespeare Club League. of Atkinson since 1910. HAUENSTEIN, Minnie Ferris (Mrs. Alfred G. Hauenstein), 725 W. Ferry St., Buffale, N.Y. Writer, speaker; b. Buffalo, N.Y.; dau. P. J. and Mary (Barton) Ferris; ed. Ingham Univ.; State Normal School of Buffalo, N.Y.; m. 1883, Alfred G. Hauenstein; children: Harold, Barton, Madeleine, Paul. Began public speaking 1897. Has written for many leading magazines, in- cluding N.Y. Independent, Town and Country, Ainslee's and others. Identified with several philanthropies in Buffalo. Against woman suf- frage; connected with a society in N.Y. City in opposition. Author: Poems and Verses, 1901; Songs from the Silence, 1907; various magazine articles. Has given public readings. First vice- pres. State Consumers' League%; pres. Inter- national Church Union of Buffalo. Mem. the Scribblers (Buffalo). HAUGHTON, Louisa Courtauld Osburne, 1004 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Born Cheshire, England, 1866; dau. Henry O. and Sophia (Alricks) Haughton; ed. private school, Baltimore, Md. Writer of short stories in magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc., Maryland Acad. of Sciences, Hereditary Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors. Honorary mem. Woman's Literary Club of Balti- more. Holding Columbian Diploma of Expert Artisanship (Chicago, 1893). HAUSER, Elizabeth J., Girard, Ohio. Born Girard, O., Mar. 15, 1873; dau. David and Mary (Bixler) Hauser; ed. in public schools. Editor of weekly newspaper (Girard Grit) when 19 years old. Principal interest in life is se- curing political equality for women; has worked at it since 22 years of age. Has been head- quarters sec. and chairman of Press Com. of Nat. American Woman Suffrage Ass'n; cor. sec. and press chairman for Ohio Woman Suffrage Ass'n and active in organizing Ohio campaign for woman suffrage amendment at special elec- tion, Sept. 3, 1912. Chairman of Woman Suf- frage Party of Cleveland, O. Edited: My Story, by Tom L. Johnson. HÄUSLEIN, Clara Dawson (Mrs. Ferdinand Albert Häuslein), 48 Fry St., Denton, Tex. Born Springfield, Mass., Feb. 23, 1868; dau. Luclen A. and Ellen E. (Pierce) Dawson; ed. public Northampton (Mass.) school; private school; music school; Smith Coll., B.M.; studied two and one-half years in Berlin, Germany; m. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 7, 1892, Ferdinand Albert Häuslein; children: Phillip Dawson, Lucien Albert, Florence Homer, Lydia Helen, Le- land Yorke, Cynthia Derobert, Francisca Piner, Ferdinand Albert. Interested in Home for Erring Girls, Orphan's Home, kindergartens. Has writ- ten for Year Book and translations from the German for newspapers. Mem. Woman's Shakes- peare Club of Denton, Tex. (pres. two terms); vice-pres. of local chapter of United Daughters of Confederacy. Recreations: Reading, driving, music. Unitarian. HAVEMEYER, Clara Martha Herrick (Mrs. Arthur Havemeyer), Yellowdale, Grand Val- ley, Colo. Born Chicago, 1884; dau. John Jacob and Julie (Dulon) Herrick; ed. Irving School, Chicago, A.B. '05; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05 (received 2d entrance scholarship for Western States for Bryn Mawr); m. Chicago, Ill., May 5, 1908, Ar- thur Havemeyer; one daughter: Martha. Inter- ested in domestic science. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Recreation: Horseback riding. HAVENS, Lizzie M. (Mrs. Charles E. Havens), Box 634, Atkinson, Holt Co., Neb. HAVENS, Ruth Ginivia Dowd, 85 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Accountant, Treasury Department; b. Madison, Conn., Jan. 12, 1845; dau. Julius Nelson and Mary Ann (Munson) Dowd; ed. district school; Lee's Acad.; Normal School, Conn.; law dep't of How- ard Univ., D.C., LL.B., LL.M.; Theological Inst. of Howard Univ.; m. in Conn., Feb. €, 1869, Theodore Forrest Havens; one son: Munson Ald- rich Havens, b. Mar. 24, 1873 (sec. of Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, O.). Teacher in schools. for five years; was the first woman on the staff of a daily paper in the U.S.; on the Daily Republican, Charleston, S.C., 1869-71; Daily Chronicle, Washington, D.C., 1871-73; edited a campaign sheet in the second Grant campaign for the Nat. Congressional Com.; assisted in editing publications of Bureau of Education, 1873-74; managing editor of Daily Recorder, Meri- den, Conn., winter of 1874; became an accountant in the auditing offices, Treasury Dep't, 1875. Has successfully passed six civil service examinations. Has done much public speaking, principally for such causes as temperance, woman suffrage and Republican politics; held a presidential com- mission as notary public for 12 years; delivered one humorous lecture in seven different States. Has published many verses, sketches and stories in papers and magazines. Mem. Grand. Fra- ternity, Ladies of the Maccabees, Friendship House, Retirement Ass'n, Congregational Club. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- Magister of the Acad. of Forty; mem. of the Pres. of Wimodaughsis; gressive Republican. Dist. Woman Suffrage Ass'n from 1871. HAWES, Harriet Ann Boyd (Mrs. Charles H. Hawes), Hanover, N.H. Archæologist; b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 11, 1871; dau. Alexander and Harriet Fay (Wheeler) Boyd; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '92, A.M. '01; student Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1896-97, fellow 1898-99; Agnes Hoppin Memorial fellow, 1899-1900; hon. L.H.D., Smith Coll., 1910; m. Mar. 3, 1906, Charles H. Hawes, M.A. (Univ. of Cambridge); children: Alexander Boyd, b. Dec. 3, 1906; Mary Nesbit, b. Aug. 25, 1910. Teacher of classics, Henderson, N.C., 1892-93; Wilmington, Del., 1893-96; served as nurse in Greco-Turkish War, 1897, and at the camp at Tampa, Fla., in of 1898; engaged as excavator at summer Kavousi, Crete, May and June, 1900; instructor 1900-05; di- in Greek archæology, Smith Coll., rector of excavations for Am. Exploration Soc. at Gournia, Crete, seasons of 1901, 1903 and 1904, uncovering there a town of about the seventeenth century B.C., the most complete of its period of Author: Gournia, Vasiliki and any yet found. Sites on the Isthmus of Other Prehistoric Hierapetra, Crete, 1908; Crete, the Forerunner of Greece (with Charles H. Hawes), 1909; also con- from Queen Olga the decoration of the Red tributions to archæological journals. Received Cross for services as nurse in the War of 1897; mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Archæological Institute of America. Favors woman suffrage. HAWKE, Anne Shoemaker, Swarthmore, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Mar. 24, 1882; dau. John William and Mary Furman (Lukens) Hawke; ed. Alameda High School, one year; Swarthmore Preparatory High School, '99; Swarthmore Coll., Taught A.B. '04 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). for four years in public high school grades in N.J. Christian Scientist. Has served as sec. of Joseph Leidy Scientific Soc. and Audubon Club. HAWKES, Edith Granger (Mrs. William Hawkes), Fulton, Cal. Born Kankakee, Ill., May 14, 1862; dau. Al- Born Chicago, Ill.; dau. Ransom E. and Mar- phonse and Gertrude (Brinkerhoff) Melen; in tha J. (Munsell) Granger; ed. Chicago public childhood attended the Mellen's School in East schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '91; m. Fulton, Cal., Otto, Kankakee Co., Ill.; Normal Univ. (Normal, May 26, 1908, William Hawkes; one daughter: Ill.), 1878-79; Kankakee High School, 1880; m. Eleanor Theodora, b. Oct. 9, 1911. Has written Kankakee, Ill., Dec. 21, 1881, Charles E. Havens. an Index to Poetry and Recitations, 1904; Speller, Before marriage spent most of her time teach- 1898; book reviews and brief magazine contribu- ing and attending school; went West in 1888. tions. Pres. Fulton Ladies' Aid Soc. Clubs: Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Past-Ma- Chicago Library, Chicago Press, Saturday After- tron and present sec. of Atkinson Chapter, noon (Santa Rosa, Cal.). Episcopallan. Favors Order of Eastern Star; Past-Chief Degree of woman suffrage. Progressive.