��MLLLEB, Viola D. Waite (Mrs. Richard S. Mil- ler), Box 518, Eldorado, Kan. Born Batavla, 111., Jan. 24, 1S52; dau. Simon and Maria (Denman) Waite; grad. high school, Dwight, 111., 186S; post-grad, work in Kansas; m. Towanda, Kan., Dec. 24, 1872, Dr. Richard S. Miller (norw in second term as Mayor of El- dorado, Kan.); children: Noble Eugene de- ceased), Tessle May (deceased), Pearl De Ette, Grace Levera, Frank Richard (deceased), Bessie. First pres. and organizer of Chautauqua work at Eldorado, Kan.; three years teacher at Dwight, 111.; principal one year at Nevada, Mo.; one year at Towanda, Kan.; taught music two years near Crawfordsvllle, Ind.; has had charge of the dlstriljution and sale of Red Cross seals in Butler Co., Kan., since the beginning of that work. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist; superintend- ent of Sunday-school for two years. Progressive Republican. Twice pres. Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc. ; mem. of Carnegie Library Board lit Eldorado, Kan. Recreations: Riding, walk- ing. Charter mem. Women's Mutual Benefit Club, Eldorado; pres. of Eighth Dist. Fed. and chairman of Forestry Dep't; State delegate to Nat. Fed., Boston, 1908, and San Francisco, 1912. MTLLEB, Vlrgrtnia, The Rochambeau, Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Washington, D.C, of Virginia ancestry; dau. Dr. Thomas Miller (physician at Washing- ton to all the Presidents, excespt Mr. Tyler, from William Henry Harrison to Abraham Liincoln) and Virginia Collins (Jones) Miller (descendant of Richard Henry L^ee, signer of the Declaration of Independence; granddaughter of Judge Oharlea Liee, U.S. Attorney-General, and great-niece of "Light Horse Harrj' Lee"); ed. at Madame C. B. Burr's French and English School at Washing- ton from age six to sixteen. Charter mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; has served on Nat. Board as vice-pres. general. State regent and cor. sec. general; charter mem. and regent of Mary Wash- ington Chapter D.A.R. Was an original incor- porator of the Children's Hospital (12 years treas. Board of Lady Visitors and four years pres., and over 20 years on Board of Governors and Exec. Com.); mem. Colonial Dames of America in D.C. Mem. St. John's Protestant EJpiscopal Church in Washington, which was church of parents, grand- parents and all the family; many years vice- pres. St. John's Auxiliary Board of Missions; di- rectress Washington branch of Ass'n for Preser- vation of Virginia Antiquities; mem. Soc. De- scendants of Colonial Governors, United Daugh- ters of 'he Confederacy; was four years pres. Southern Relief Soc; mem. Woman's Democratic League, Washington Club, Club of Colonial Dames of America (was two years governor). MTLLERD, Clara Elizabeth, 1224 Sixth Av., Grinnell, la.
Professor of Greek; b. Benton Harbor, Mich., Sept. 14, 1873; dau. Norman Ailing and Clara Elizabeth (Church) MiUerd; ed. Grinnell Coll., A.B. '93: A.M. '94 (special honors In Greek and philosophy); Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. 1900; grad. fctudent Univ. of Chicago, 1893-94; fellow in Greek and philosophy, Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97; grad. student Univ. of Berlin, 1905-06 (Phi Beta Kappa, Beta of Iowa). Preceptress of Grinnell Acad., 1894-96; Instructor in Greek and philosophy, Grin- nell Coll., 1896-98; assoc. prof, of Greek and phil- osophy, 1898-1906; prof, of Greek, 1906—. In- terested in social and religious life of Grinnell Coll. Author: On the Interpretation of Empedo- cles (Univ. of Chicago Press); also reviews in classical nhilology. Mem. Western Philo- sophical Ass'n, Am. Philological Ass'n, Hellenic Soc. of Iowa, Classical Ass'n of Middle West. Recreations: Music, walking, gardening. Con- gregational. Favors woman suffrage. MrLLIGAN, Elizabeth May Bolder (Mrs. Os- wald Montgomery MllUgan), 1237 W. Lehigh Av., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, May 1, 1882; dau. William and Elizabeth W. (Buckwalter) Bolger; grad. Philadelphia Girls' High School, '01; Philadelphia Normal School, "03; Cornell Univ., A.B. '06 (salu- tatorian of High School class, pres. of the Normal School class); m. Philadelphia, Apr. 24, 1907, Oswald Montgomery MlUlgan; children: Marion
��Forsythe, Henry Bolger. Mem. Alpha Chapter. Sigma Xi Soc. Clubs: Sennightly Soc. and Ichthus Soc, and Raven and Serpent Soc. of Cor- nell Univ. Recreations: Swimming, driving, horseback riding. Baptist. MILI.IGAN, Josephine Ewing, Jacksonville, 111.
Physician; b. Illinois; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '82, M.A. '85; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. In- flrnaary, M.D. '89. Formerly teacher for four years in Illinois School for the Deaf at Jackson- ville, 111.; since then engaged In the general practice of medicine. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, 111. State Med. Ass'n. MILLION, Helen Louisa Lovell (Mrs. John
Wilson Million), Hardin College, Mexico, Mo.
Professor Greek and Latin, Hardin Coll. ; b. Flint, Mich., June 23, 1865; dau. Henry Row and Maria (Harrison) Lovell; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '87; fellow Bryn Mawr (3oll., 1887-88; fellow Chicago Univ., 1895-96, in Greek; grad. 1907 and post-grad. In piano, Hardin Conservatory (Delta Gamma); m. Dec, 1896, John Wilson Million; children: Margaret Lovell, Edward Henry, John Wilson Jr., Helen Harrison. Prof. Greek, Goucher Coll., 1890-93; prof. Greek and Latin, Earlham Coll., 1893-94; 15 years prof, at Hardin. Interested In religious work of the Y.W.C.A., also the social life of the college; mem. Woman's Library Board of Mexico, Mo. Writer of articles, addresses, and occasional verses published In va- rious periodicals. Mem. Am. Archaeological Inst., Am. Oriental Soc, Classical Ass'n of Middle West and South, Mo. State Teachers Ass'n, D.A.R. Recreations: Music, amateur photography, driving, tennis. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. MILLS. Belle Chase (Mrs. Harvey L. Mills), 978
AOrora Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Born Hiawatha, Kan., June 25, 1871; dau. Reu- ben C. and Julia A. (Houghton) Chase; ed. Hia- watha High School, '89 (first honor); State Nor- mal School, Indiana, Pa., '94 (second honor); m Hiawatha, Kan., June 22, 1898, Harvey L. Mills children: Lewis Chase, Marion, Henry Lawrence Taught in Hiawatha, Kan., 1889-92 and 1896-98 Great Bend, Kan., 1894-96; also taught elocution. Interested in children, philanthropic work; sup't of the primary dep't of Sunday-sohool. Organ- ized and v.-as for five years pres. of Central Pres- byterian Church Mothers' Club; now chairman- of State Com. in Woman's Fed. of Mothers' Clubs; mem. Protestant Woman's League. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage. MILLS, Caroline Marsh Hungerford (Mrs. Sllaa
Reed Mills), 66 Fisher Av., Newton High- lands, Mass.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '82, M.A. '84; graduate student of English and philosophy (Smith), 1882-83; m. Dec. 8, 1885, Silas Reed Mills; children: Frances Hungerford, b. Dec. 20, 1886 (Smith, B.A. '09); Charlotte Hungerford, b. Aug. 3, 1891. Teacher of English and of Ameri- can literature in the Capen School, Boston, 1907- 11; teacher of English, Newton High School, 1911 — . Spent two years in Europe, 1889-91. Pres. Western Mass. Smith Alumnae Ass'n four years; mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (vice-pres. 1908-10); pres. Smith Students' Aid Soc, six years. MILLS, Clara McOmber (Mrs. Allen Gurney
Mills), Sheridan and Maple Hill Rds., Glencoe,
Born Ann Arbor, Mich., 1871; dau. Charles Scott and Lucy (Almendinger) McOmber; grad. Ann Arbor High School, '91; Univ. of Mioh., Ph.B. '95 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Ann Arbor, 1903. Allen Gurney Mills (la-wyer, LL.B. Mich., '94); children: Allen Henry, Ruth Helen, Mary Vir- ginia. For eight years after graduation taught history and (Jerman In high schools, 1895-1903. Interested in elevating condition of working girls of Chicago and In the Industrial School for Girls, Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Chicago Ass'n of Mich. Alumnae, and Chicago Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi Sorority (sec. of Nat. Board, 1910-12). Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis, dancing, skating, bridge whist. Mem. Rogers Park Woman's Club (chair- man of program com., 1910-11), Glencoe Woman's Library Club (corr. sec. 1913-15).
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