Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/585

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Wellesley Hills, Mass.. June 29, 1904, Jamps Hale Newton. Teacher Smith College, 1SS9-1904, in Latin dep't, holding rank of associate professor at resignation. Pies. Holyoke Y.W.C.A.; trustee Northampton State Hospital; mem. Library Book Com. (Holyoke). Mem. New England Classical Ass'n, Holyoke Tuesday Club, German Club, Springfield College Club, Smith College Mediaeval Club. Congregationalist.

NEWTON, Georgiana S. (Mrs. Myron M. New- ton), 625 Pontiac Av., Providence, R.I. Born Block Island, R.I., May 2, 1S68; dau. Phineas A. and Josephine M. Conley; ed. Bridg- ham Grammar School, Providence, R.I., two years in Providence High School; m. Nov. 14, 1900, Myron M. Newton. A musician for years as clarionet player and conductor of orchestra. Baptist. Mem. Providence Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Past Matron, Noble Grand, Daugh- ters of Rebekah. Pres. of Eden Park Woman's Club (inc.), R.I. Ex-Club; mem. Eden Park Mothers' Club.

NICHOLES, Anna E., Woman's City Club, 116 S. Michigan Av. and Neighborhood House, 6710 S. May St., Chicago, Ill.

Born Chicago, May 2, 1865; dau. Ira James and Eleanor (Hall) Nicholes; grad. Englewood High School, '82; Rockford Coll. '86. Sup't Woman's City Club. Resident Neighborhood HouDe (social settlement), Chicago, 13 years; appointed Civil Service Commissioner of Cook (ilounty, February, 1913, being the second woman in the U.S. to serve on a Civil Service Commission. Favors woman suffrage. Has spoken and written for suffrage; mem. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author of leaflets and articles on settlement work, etc. Progressive in politics. Mem. Woman's City Club, Chicago; Chicago Woman's Club, Engle- wood Woman's Club, Consumers' League, Wom- an's Trade Union League, and others.

NICHOLES, S. Gra-ce, 6710 S. May St., Chicago, Ill. Born Englewood, 111., Feb. 15, 1875; dau. Ira James and Eleanor (Hall) Nicholes; ed. in public school of Chicago, Wellesley Coll., B.A. Resi- dent Neighborhood House (a social settlement in Chicago) for twelve years. Favorj woman .jaf- frage; was cor. sec. for five years, recording Bee. for two years; now chairman »^ I<€Cture Bureau of the 111. Equal Suffrage Aas'n. Pro- gressive in politic.!. Mem. Chicago Wt>maD'3 Club, Englewood Woman's Club, Chicago Politi- cal Equality League, Women's Cii.y Club, Women's Trade Union League, Neighborhood House Woman's Club.

NICHOLLS, Bhoda Holmes (Mrs. Burr H. Nicholls), 39 W. Sixty-seventh St., N.Y. City.

Artist; b. Coventry, England; dau. William Groome and Marion (Cooke) Hoimes; ed. by governesses at home and at a boarding school in Kensington, London; Bloora::b-aiv Art. ochool and studied in Rome and Venice; m. Lyminster, Sussex, England, 1884, Burr H. Nicholls; chil- dren: Rhoda Cline, b. 1S87; Arundel Holmes, b. 1889. Artist; took Queen's 3cholart;hJp at Bloomsbury Art School, London; too';i let) medals in Am. exhibitionc; nine years vice-pres. of Water Color Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Water Color Soc., Art Students' League, Water Color Club, Nat. Arts Club, Art Workers' Club, Barnard Club, MacDowell Club, Cosmopolitan Club; hon. mem. Woman's Art Ass'n. Recreation: Socials.

NICHOLS, Mrs. Caroline Burgess, C6 Highland Av., Somervllle. Mass.

Musician, orchestra conductor; b. Dedham, Mass., May 25, 1864; dau. Ulcry G. and 01) ve C, (Guild) Daniell; ed. Boston Conservatory and by private teacherc; m. Dodhain, Oct. li. iSttJ, James A. Nichols; one son: William EUery Nichols, b. Dedham, Aug. 5, 1886. Founder, promotor and conductor cf The Fadettes, woman's orchestra of Boston, 50 players (organ- ized 1890). Incorporated Mass., 1890; N.Y. State, 1909. Inisrested in education of ycung womf>n in professionally musical occupationa (particu- larly In the orchestral field), and in the general uplifting of women's orchestras into the higher world of music. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant. Roosevelt Republican. Mem. Paul Jones Chapter D.A.R. Recreations: Reading and fishing. Hp.s toured U.S. and Canada with her symphony orchestra (The Fadettes) di-riog winters for pant twelve years, taking entire season engagements for suiamsrs; summer sea- son of 1912 at Asbury Park, JI.J.

NICHOLS, Helen Mae Colegrove (Mrs. Walter Charles Nichols), 53 Hlgrhland Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Lawyer (not practising); b. Alleghany, N.Y., April 18, 1873; dau. John P. (M.D.) and Sallna (Parker, M.D., Ph.G.) Colegrove; ed. Salamanca (N.Y.) High School; Cornell Univ. Law School, LL.B. '96 (Delta Gamma); m. Salamanca, N.Y., April 19, 18S8, V/allsr Cbar..j.-, Nicholn; cbilrfrea: PhilliDS BrC'Oks, Helen Cuiesvove. Adjrtltted Vj N.Y. State Bar, 1897. Director Y/ocr.ea'a :5dii- cational and Industrial Union; mem. Protective Com. Union, Domestic Arts Union, Literary Club, Church of the Mesaiah, Pollitical Equality club, Buffalo Club of Cornell Women Universalist Favors woman suffrage chariman Ex. Com. for Woman Suffrage Headquarters (Buffalo).

NICHOLS, Hester Deane, Asbury Park, N.J. Teacher; b. Assonet (Freetown), Mass., Nov. 2, 1S62; dau. Thomas G. Nichols, M.D., and Irene Lazell (Crane) Nichols; ed. Wellesley Coll.. A.B. '84, A.M. '98; Yale Coll., Graduate Dep't, 1897-98; Am. Classical School at Athens, Greece, 1898-99; mem. Alpha Kappa Xi. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist.

NICHOLS, Hettie:. (Mrs. Marshall C. Nichols), Vlroq-ja, W!s. Born Morganville, 0., Mar. 30, 1843; dau. Dr. James and A.nua. (Little) Kxish ; tot/fe: .Kornuil course at Univ. of Wis., 1S63-65 (grad. with first clasp. Ol girlH fro.ui ffaat iretitxitJC'n); m. Viroqua, Wis., 1867, Captain Marshall C. Nichols: children : Jameo WsJtsr, ATl^z. IZetis., Hftttie Rusk, Mary Eliz*ibeth, MAnih.itil '0., Da'rld 'r^'hlt- ney. Teacher at ixttsrvftJi! fci' ten ^^f.cs. Aot've in temperance and philanthropic work. Nat. sec. Woman's Relief Corps, 1883-89. Congrega- tionalist. Repii'.viic!i.fl. Moit. Order jilaotsm St8,r. Recreatioas. C'ATiiplrig, traTel'/ng, somal activities. Merc. Woraan'j Literary Clu^ of Viroqua, Wis. Wao one of fB-7..tjJcr3 of the Castalian Soc. (a literary society for girls) at Univ. of Wis. in 1864. Favors woman suffrage.

NICHOLS, Ida Preston (Mrs. Edward L. Nichols), 5 So^.:th Av., Ithaca. N.T.

Born Dec. 10, 18.i3; dau. E. A. Preston and Maria Elizabeth (Jewett) Preston; ed. in private school, at botes and by gsverreeG; later entered Vasear, thaa Corni^il Univ., '73 (hL,iiorir? mem. K»ppH Alpha Theti) ; m. 1881 'Bin ward LetnilogtcD Nichols (jjrof. phyoics Corr.sll 'Jafy.)- chi^'ir*:!!: Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols Throop, Robert Prestou Nichols. Author of bocV.n ar.'l p.i.rtr'.es '"or rsOil- dren. SplscopaMan. R.jcrestiaaa: Put^tfng, drawing, and illuetratJon of sciedtif'-o pspevp. In- ventor at several patented articles pertaining tc woman's work.

NICHOLS, Martha Stewart (Mrs. Burton D Nichols). Glencoe, 111.

Born Elburn, 111., Jan. 4, 1867; dau. John and Martha (Thomas) Stewart; ed. i.Con. Preparatory Course) Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '88; m. Oct. 6, 1898, Burton D. Nichols; children: Stewart, Margaret. Always active in church work: for one year active in social set- tlement work; also identified with social and philanthropic Interests, Against woman suffrage. Has contributed some letters of travel to news- papers and editorials to the young people's paper of local church. Mem. Union Church of Glencoe. Recreation: Walkin°;. Mem. Glencoe Woman's Club.

NICHOLS, Mary Josephine Genung (Mrs. Leon Nelson Nichols). 1915 Daly Av.. N.Y. City.

Born Dryden, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1876; dau. Joseph A. and Mary E. (Cornelius) Genung; grad. Cornell Univ.. Ph.B. '97: m. Dryden, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1897, Leon Nelson Nichols, librarian, N.Y. Public Library; one son: Edward Genung Nichols. Editor (with L. N. Nichols): Genung Genealogy, Townsend Genealog;y, and Abbe Genealogy. Congregationalist.