Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/594

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��tucky; The Land of Ijong Ago; Sally Ann's Ex- perience; To Love and to Cherisli; A Book of Hand-Woven Coverlets.

OBEK. Caroline Haven, University of V/ashing-

ton, Seattle, Wash.

Teacher; b. Beverlv, Mass., May 3, 1866; dau. \ndrew Kimball and Sarah (Hadlock) Ober; ed. Wheaton Sem., Norton, MaES. ; Mess. Normal School, Salem. Teacher in public sohocl, Pali- sade, Nev.; instructor in modern languages, ISoze'man Acad., Mcnt. ; regent and vice-direc- tress Government Normal Schools, Argentine tlepublic; instructcr in Spanish a^^d French in Beverly, Mass.; Omaha, Neb., and Trinidad, Colo.; prof, of Spanish and head of dep't at Univ. of Washington since 1S97. Interested in supervising the education of many Chinese boys now studying in America. Investigated educa- tional conditions in the Orient (China and Japan). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club, Univ. of Wash.; charter mem. and vice- pres. of Ass'n for the Promotion of Education of the People of India. Recreation: Philately.

OBEB, Josephine Bobb (Mrs. Frank S. Ober), 154 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Journalist; b. N.Y. City; dau. Joseph W. and Julia A. (McBride) Robb; ed. Montclalr (N.J.) High School and in N.Y. City, London and Paris by private schools and teachers; m. Washington, D.C., Jan. 15, 1912. Frank S. Ober (died 1912). In journalistic work on leading N.Y. newspapers end magazines until 1905 and was then appointed to present position as society editor of N.Y. World. Mem. National Arts Club. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian.

OBER, Sarah Endscott, Seattle, Wash.

Author, missionary; b. Beverly, Mass., May' 7, 1854; dau. Andrew Kimball and Sarah A. Had- lock; ed. common schocl, cne year ctudy-rg art at Cowles Art School, Boston, 1888; Northfield Missionary Training Soboil. Vi'as public speaker at churches, colleges, clubs, on subjects of the \ppalachian Mountaineers and Child I>abor in Southern cotton factories, in the late 'S(f's, m N€W England; of late subject is the Shaker re- ligion of our West Coast Indians, of which she is making investigations. Favors v/oirian f.uf-

��nf short stories and articles to magazines; com- pleted, 1912, a novel dealing with Southern "lasses and conditions, especially ch2d labcT in cotton factories: The Thrall of the Spinales. Congregationalist. Prohibitionist. Recreations: Boating, camping, horseback riding, out-door life, sketching, zoology. Honorary mem. Century Club, Port Townsend, Wash.

OBEKGE, UUericka Hendrietta. Haverford, Pa. Teacher; b. Haverford, Pa.; ed. Girton School, Haverford, Pa.; Miss Case and Miss Hallowell's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; grad. student, 1S9S-1910, A.M. 1900. Teacher of history and English, MiFS Haskell's School, Bos- ton Mass., 190.3 04; teacher of h'story. Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia, 1904-05; teacher of history and economics. Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1904-05, and of history, eco- nomics and English since 1905.

OBEKHOLTZEB. Sara Louisa Vickers, 2113

Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Author, advocate of school banks in U.S.; b. Chester Co., Pa.; dau. Pazson and Ann (Lev/is) Vickers; Quaker descent; ed. Thoma's Boardmg School, Millersville Normal School and private tutors; m. June, 1862, John Oberholtzer: chil- dren: Ellis Paxson, Vickers. Since 1.S90 has been actively engaged as a general advocate of school savings banks, establishing the school savings system in hundreds of schools in the United States and Canada. Author of twenty pamphlets on School Savings and Thrift Teach- ing; leader of the School Sa-vings movement in the U.S.; owni^r o£ the copyright forms; editor of Thrift Tidings. Favors woman suffrage. Books: Viole:: Lee; Come for Arbutus; Daisies of Verse; Hope's Heart Bel4s; Souvenirs of Occasioos: apd

��also many songs and hymns in sheet form and in Gospel Hymnals. Superintendent of School Sav- ings and Thrift Teaching in the World's and Nat. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Mem. Pa. Press Ass'n, Browning Soc." Gives readings and recitations from her own works; also lec- tures on school savings and other topics.

OBERLY, Eunice Rockwood, 2619 Garfield St.,

Washington, D.C.

Librarian; b. Cairo, 111.; ed. in schools of Washington, B.C., and Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900. Librarian of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Dep't of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

OBERNDOBFER, Anne Shaw Eaulkner (Mrs.

Marx E. Oberndorfer), 520 Fine Arts Bldg.,

Chicago, 111.

Lecturer, writer; b. Chicago, 111., Sept. 26, 1877, dau. Samuel and Cornelia E. (Smith) Faulkner; ed. Chicago public schools; m. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 12, 191:., Marx E. Oberndorfer, pianist. Organized classes for the study of the programs of Theodore Thomas Orchestra, Chicago, in 1897; originator of opera musicale, a novel form of presenting the modern opera to the general pub- lic. Lecturer on music before most of the clubs and schools throughout the country. Autiior: What We Hear in Music, a four years' course for high schools, 1913. Presbyterian. Pro- gressive. Honorary mem. Amateur Musical Club, Chicago, 111.

O'BRIAIV, Alma 'White (Mrs. John Lord O'Brlan), 150 "W Utica St., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Buffalo, July 31, 1876; dau. Hon. Truman Clark \\'Tiite (justice of the Supreme Court of N.Y. State) and Emma Kate (Haskins) White; ed. State Normal School of Practice and Buffalo Sem.; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1902, John Lord O'Brian; children: Alma Elizabeth, Janet White, b. Nov. 15, 1907; Frances Carlyle and Alison Lord (twins), b. Nov. 10, 1909. Interested in various religious and philanthropic activities. Unitarian. IMem. Graduates' Ass'n.

O'BBTISN, Abigail Adaline, 1127 Sunset Av.,

Utica, N.Y.

High school teacher; b. Forestport, N.Y. ; dau. Jereniiaa and Catherine (Hennesay) O'Brien; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. (Sigma Xi). Favors woman suffrage. Author of two short reports of scientific research work. Roman Catholic. Mem. New Century Club of Utica.

O'BRIEN, Mary Heaton-' (Mrs. Joseph O'Brien), provincetown, Mass. Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Hiram and Ellen (Blackman) Heatoa; m. let, 1833, Albert White Vorse; m. 1812, Joseph C'Srien; children: Heaton Whit.? Vorse, Mary Elien Vorse. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y. Author: The Breaking In of P. Yachtsman's Wife; Story of a Very Little Person; Autobiography of an Elderly Woman; contributor of short stories to Har- per's, Atlantic, McClure's, American, Scribner's, Woman's Home Companion, Ainslee's, etc. So- cialist. Mem. Soc. for Sttdy and Frevsntion of Infatt Mortaliiy; Soc. for Labor Legislation; Probation Soc; Woman's Municipal League; Nat. Geog. Soc. Mem. Lyceum Club; Pen and Brush Club; Writers' Club.

O'BRIEN, Sara Redenipta, 942 State St.,

Sprin.jCeld, Macs.

Teacher; b. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 13, 1875; dau. Tboiras and Mary (O'Bonnell) O'Brien; ed. public schools of Springfield, Mass.; Normal School, and special courses at Columbia Univ. Books: English for Foreigners (two books). Roman Catholic.

O'CONNOR, Agn"e8 (Mrs. James A. O'Connor), 1413 Thirty-seventh St., Galveston, Tex. Born New Orleans, La., Mar. 17, 1854; dau. Patrick and Elizabeth (Sweeney) Reynolds; ed. Dominican Convent, New Orleans; m. New Or- leans. April 2, 1S69, James A. O'Connor; chil- dren: Elizabeth, James L., Frances C, Agnes L. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Pres. Le Bon Secours Soc, a charitable organization. Pro- lector of Muriel Lodge, Knights and Ladies Oif HoDor' ores. Alamo School Mothers' Club.

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