Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/634

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Charles Merton Phlnney. Active In social and chureh work. Against woman suffrage. Congre- gationalist. Sec. and treas. Chester Center Li- brary Ass'n, 1907-11; mem. Highland Congrega- tional Club of Cummlngton.

PHINNEY, Jessie Woodward (Mrs. Lorenzo Nash Phinney), Wappingers Falls, N.Y.

Born Batavia, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1855; dau. Nathan A. and Sarah Brainerd (Tarbox) Woodward; ed. public schools of Batavia, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., '77; m. Batavia, July 18, 1888, Dr. Lorenzo NaiSh Phinney. Before marriage, taught for eleven years In Batavia High School, New Haven fConn.) High School and State Normal School, New Britain, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Vice-pres. Board of Lady Man- agers of the Gallaudet Home for Deaf Mutes, Hamlburg, N.Y. Lived at Norwalh, Conn., 15 years after marriage, since then at Wapplngers Falls. Trustee of Public School District (first woman on the Board). Pres. Equal Suffrage League.

PHIl'PS, Mary Elizabeth Waiiams (Mrs. Will- iam Hamilton Phipps), 104 Watervllle St., Waterbury, Conn.

Born Bastford, Conn., May 18, 1851; dau. Rev. Francis and Mahala Rachel (Badger) Williams; ed. Mount Holyoke Coll.; m. Chaplin, Conn., Oct. 10, 1872, Rev. William Hamilton Phipps; children: Florence W., Winifred W., Ethel W., Howard F., Lawrence W. Interested in Wo- man's Board of Foreign Missions, Conn. Woman's Home Missionary Union, Woman's Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A., Waterbury Mount Holyoke Alumnas Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Congregation- alist. Pres. Conn. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1S08- 12; mem. Waterbury Woman's Club, Waterbury Tuesday Club.

PIATT, Sarah Morgan Bryan (Mrs. John James Piatt), North Bend, Hamilton Co., O.

Author; b. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 11, 1836; dau. Talbot N. and Mary (Spiers) Bryan; her mother dying in 1844, she was soon after sent with her sister to her aunt, Mrs. Boone, at New Castle, Ky., where she was educated in the Henry Fe- male Sem. ; m. June 18, 1861, John James Piatt, author, poet, past and eleven years U.S. Consul at Cork, Ireland. Began writing by sending poems to the Louisville Journal, then edited by George D. Prentice. Author: The Children of the Poets; A Woman's Poems; A Voyage to the Unfortunate Isles; The New World; Poems In Company with Children; Dramatic Persons and Moods; An Irish Garland; Selected Poems; In Primrose Time; The Witch in the Glass, and Other Poems; An Irish Wild Flower; An En- chanted Castle. Also (in collaboration with her husband) : Children Out-of-Doors, a Book of Verses by Two in One House, and The Nests at Washington, and Other Poems. A complete edi- tion of her poems was published in two volumes in 1894.

PICKEL, Adele Jacksoa, Cordoba, Alaska. Educator; b. in Oregon; grad. Univ. of Ore., A.B. '01; graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll. (English, French and German), 1901-02. Teacher of Latin and English in Pendleton (Ore.) High School, 1902-03; instructor in history, Tillamook (Ore.) High School, 1903-04; head of English dep't and instructor in German, Eugene (Ore.) High School, 1904-05; ass't principal and head of Eng- lish dep't in same, 1905-06; asa't principal and instructor in Latin in Douglas (Alaska) High School, 1906-07; principal and instructor in Latin, English and German In same, 1907-09; since 1909 principal and instructor in Cordoba (Alaska) High School.

PICKERING, Sarah Maria, 9 Common St., Charlestown, Mass.

Journalist; b. Chelsea, Mass., May 10, 1858; dau. James F. and Sarah (Pike) Pickering; ed. public schools, Charlestown, Mass., 1865-77. Con- ducted first dep't featuring enlarged interests for women in a Boston daily. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n.

PICKETT, LaSalle Corbell (Mrs. George Ed- ward Pickett), The Ontario, Washington, D.C. Writer, lecturer; b. Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co., Va. ; dau. John David and Mary E. •tPhlliips) Corbell; ed. Lynchburg Coll.; m. Petersburg, Sept. 15, 1863, General George Edward Pickett; one son: George Edward. Author: Pickett and His Men; In De Miz series (four volumes: Kun- noo Sperits; Yule Log: Jinnie; Ebil Eye); Rem- iniscenses; Literary Shrines of Dixie; Friends of Yesterday (Lee, Jackson, Grant, Davis and Lincoln).

PICKETT, Mary, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '98; student of French in Paris, 1903-04, and summer of 1908. Instructor In botany, 1898-1900, and head of French dep't, 1898-1902, in Mills Coll., Cal.; in- structor in French, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., since 1904. Mem. Smith CoU, Alumnae Ass'n.

PICKLER, Alice M. A. (Mrs. John A. Plckler), Faulkton, S.Dak.

Born near Iowa City, Iowa, Nov. 17, 1848; dau. Joseph A. and Eliza (Kepford) Alt; ed. Iowa State Univ.; emigrated from Iowa to South Dakota in Territorial days; m. Nov. 16, 1870, Major John A. Pickler, one of first members of Congress from South Dakota when State was organized, serving 1889-97; children: Suly, b. Aug. 20, 1871; Madge, b. May 25, 1878; Alfred, b. Nov. 13, 1882; Dale A., b. Aug. 25, 1887. Delegate to Nat. Council of Women, Nat. Suffrage Ass'n, First Mothers' Congress. Past pres. State Women's Relief Corps, State Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. State W.C.T.U. ; mem. Grand Chapter Eastern Star; past nat. chaplain Women's Relief Corps. Favors woman suffrage. Worked in six- legis- latures for franchise; mem. Exec. B'd Nat. Suf- frage Ass'n. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church; active in church work. Vice-pres. of Universal Franchise League. Mem. Fed. Women's Clubs of State of South Dakota.

PICKERELL, Maude Ingram (Mrs. J. N. Plck- rell), 14 Perkins Av., Colfax, Wash. Born. Oconto, Wis., Jan. 3, 1880; dau. Charles and Emily (Bebee) Ingram; ed. Oconto (Wis.) High School;' Oshkosh (Wis.) State Normal Training School; m. Spokane, Wash., 1908, Judge J. N. Pickrell; one daughter: Helen Ingram Pick- rell. Active in church work. Ex-pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. Pres. Athenaeum Club (literary and philanthropic). Congregationalist. Republican.

PICKERELL, Marjorie Lowry Christie, Vic- toria College Library, Toronto, Can. Librarian, author; b. London, Eng. ; dau. Ar- thur Christie and Helen (Mallard) Pickthall; ed. Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. Against wo- man suffrage. Has contributed verse and prose to most of the leading magazines of England, Canada and the United States. Mem. Church of England. Recreation: Photography.

PIERCE, Caroline Low (Mrs. Charles Taylor Pierce), 485 Franklin Av., Brooklyn, N.T., and Riverside, Conn.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1848; dau. Capt. James Willis and ]^llen O. (Richardson) Low; ed. Brooklyn private schools; m. Brooklyn, May 15, 1879, Charles Taylor Pierce. Unitarian. Repub- lican. Mem. Putnam Hill Chapter, D.A.R., N.Y. League of Unitarian Women, Nat. Soc. of New England Women, Brooklyn Colony. Recreations: Music, art. Mem. Post Parliament Club, Brook- lyn Women's Club.

PIERCE, Flora McDonald (Mrs. David Pierce), 1219 Jenny LInd St., MoKeesport, Pa.

Born Mt. Clemens, Mich.; dau. Theo L. and Elizabeth (Jones) McDonald; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.A. '83; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888, Dr. David Pierce. Preceptress at State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H., for two years before marriage. Mem. Pittsburgh Branch of Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n. Recreation: Social duties. Mem. McKees- port Woman's Club. Against woman suffrage.

PIERCE, Florence K. (Mrs. Ralph W. Pierce), 72 Lancaster Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 5, 18S4; daughter of John C. and Alice Kingston; ed. by tutors anfl In high school and Buffalo Sem. ; m. July 27, 1904, Ralph W. Pierce; children: R. V. Pierce, b. April 24, 1906; Mary J. Pierce, b. Feb. 8, 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Woman Suffrage Soc., Consumers' League, Guild of Al-