Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/662

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��RATMOND, Edith Eatun (Mrs. Isaac Stuart Raymond), Sidney, Champaigrn Co., III. TeacBer; b. Monmouth, N.J., Sept. 1, 18.53- dau Lucius and Lucy (Cleveland) Eaton; ed. in the public schools, a young ladies' sem. and the Univ. of 111.; mem. the Alethenai Soc. (first organized at Univ. of 111.); m. Philo, 111., Oct. 27, 1875, Isaac Stuart Raymond; children: John Eaton, Ruth Cleveland. Has been an active Sunday-school worker and in the farmers' in- stitutes; was the first county pres. and then Bee. for many years. Has helped organize many clubs and served as treas. for the 19th Dist. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Has written articles for State and national meetings of farmers' institutes and tor the Lake Placid Conference. Mem. Congregational Church. Mem. D.A.R., Alliance Chapter of Champaign and Urbana, Eastern Star, Sidney Chapter. Rec- reations: Traveling, reading. Mem. House Im- provement Club of Philo, 111. Was pres. of the State Domestic Science Ass'n of 111. for two years.

RAYMOND, ETelyn Hnnt (Mrs. John Bradford Raymond), 1110 Mosher St., Baltimore, Md. Author; b. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1843- dau. Alvin and Charlotte (Hatch) Hunt; ed. Mount Holyoke Coll.; m. 1869, John Bradford Raymond. Author: Among the Lindens; Boys and Girls of Brantham; A Cape May Diamond; A Daughter of the West; Divided Skates; The Little Lady of the Horse; The Little Red Schoolhouse; Mixed Pickles; Monica, the Mesa Maiden; The Mushroom Cave; My Lady Barefoot; A Pair of Them; Reels and Spindles; A Story of Delight; The Sun Maid; A Yankee Girlin Old California; The Brass-Bound Box; Breakneck Farm, or The Merryman Twins; Daisies and Diggleses; A Daughter of the Forest; The Doings of Nancy; The Honor Girl; Jessica Trent; Jessica, the Heiress; Jessica Trent, Her Life on a Ranch; A Sunny Lit3tie Lass; Dorothy Chester— The Haps and Mishaps of a Foundling; The Heroine of Roseland; Jessica Trent's Inheritance; Doro- thy's Schooling; Dorothy's Travels; Little Miss Evangeline; Carlota of the Rancho; Dorothy In California; Dorothy on a House Boat; Dorothy on a Ranch; Dorothy at Oak Knowe; Dorothy's Tour.

RAYMOND, Mrs. Frances Eflanger, 1049 Phelan

BId'g, San Francisco, Cal.

Born Peru, Ind., June 8, 1863; dau. Judge Rob- ert Patterson and Frances Ann (Barbour) Effin- ger; ed. in Classical School, Indianapolis; Hell- muth Coll., London, Can.; Cook Co. Normal School; Univ. of Chicago, and Gregg School, Chi- cago; one daughter: Lucia Efflnger Raymond. Was successively teacher, newspaper reporter, head of commercial school, magazine writer, lec- turer on commercial subjects; now manager in charge of Pacific Coast, Canadian and Hawaiian business of the Gregg Publisning Co. Vice-pres. Nat. Commercial Teachers' Fed. Occasional writer for newspapers and magazines. Author of a text- book: EJaglish, published by the Gregg Publishing Co. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat Mem. Rainier Chapter D.A.R., Seat- tle; Daughters of Confederacy, San Francisco. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Business Woman's Club (San Francisco).

RAYMOND, Joeephine Hunt (Mrs. Jerome Hall Raymond), 724 Washington St., Evanston, Til. Lecturer; b. Kaneville, 111.; dau. Rev. Eli Les- ter and De'borah (Mead) Hunt; grad. North- vestern Univ., iatt.B. '92; Univ. of Wis., Litt.M. •97; Univ. or Clilcaso. lWl-06 (Kappa Kappa 0«unma, Phi B«t« KApp«>; m. Aurora, 111., Aug. 15, 1895, Jerome Hall Raymond. Teacher of English literature. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1893-95; lecturer on general literature, Univ. of Chicago, 1908-09; prof, comparative literature, Toledo Univ., Ohio, 1909-10. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Board of Evanston Political Equality League. Lecturer for woman's cluto, suffrage organizations. University Exten- sion societies and similar organizations. Has traveled extensively In Europe, Canada, U.S. and Mexico.

��RAYMOND, Katharine Piatt, Simpson Hospital,

Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.

Physician; b. Newport, Ky. ; dau. Daniel Fitch and Katharine (Wheeler) Raymond; ed-. Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Interne New England Hos- pital for Women and Children, 1905-06; resident physician Wellesley Coll. since 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Mass. Med. Soc.

RAYMOND, >Iabel K. (Mrs. Fred Morton Ray- mond), 302 Calkins Av., Grand Rapids, Mich. Born Hubbard, la.; dau. Owen and Melissa (Jessup) Kenworthy; ed. Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, la. ; grad. Grand Rapids Kindergarten Training School, '01; m. Oskaloosa, la., Dec. 30, 1902, Fred Morton Raymond. Mem. of parish of All Souls' Unitarian Church (there being no church of Friends in Grand Rapids); deeply interested in work of Children's Home and similar work. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. of Friends Church. Mem. Order Eastern Star; pres. Grand Rapids Woman's Club, 1911-12, and vice-pres. Parlia- mentary Law Club, 1912-13.

RAYMOND, Mary E. (Mrs. George L. Ray- mond), 24 St. James Park, Los Angeles, Cal. Daughter Grinfill and Elizabeth F. (Perley) Biake; ed. in Europe; m. George L. Raymond (college prof, and writer); children: Perlie, May- belle. Interested in church work. Lady man- ager in Garfield Memorial Hospital and George Washington University Hospital (both in Wash- ington, D.C.). Presbyterian. Republican. Rec- reation: Foreign travel. Mem. Washington Club (Washington), City Club and Friday Morn- ing Club (Los Angeles).

RAYMOND, Maud Mary Wotring (Mrs. Paul Raymond), 802 Spruce St., Boulder, Colo. Born Van Wert, O., June 29, 1S67; dau. Rev. Frederick Rahauser and Martha (Woodman) Wotring; ed. Hastings Coll., A.B. '90; m. Long- mont, Colo., June 26, 1895, Paul Raymond. Taught Greek and Latin before marriage in a college preparatory school at Longmont, Colo. Pres. Colo. Synodical (Presbyterian) Home Mis- sionary Soc. and vice-pres. Presbyterian Wom- an's Board of Home Missions (national), N.Y. City. For 12 years mem. State Com. of Y.W.C.A. ; chairihan since organization (1907) of the Interdenominational Com. of the Rocky Mountain Region, for home and foreign missions; chairman Woman's National Foreign Mission Jubilee, Denver, 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to various magazines dealing with missions and allied subjects. Author: The King's Business (authorized text-book for 1913-14 for all women's missionary societies of the U.S. and Canada. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Wom- an's Club of Boulder, D.A.R.

RAYNER, Emma, "The Ledges," Goshen, N.H. Author; b. Cambridge, Eng. ; dau. Thomas G. and Mahala (Holmes) Rayner; ed. private schools, Cambridge; grad. Univ. of Cambridge, mathe- matical course, obtaining honors in the Mathe- matical Tripos of 1SS8. On staff of the Youth's Companion, 1896-1902. Author: Free to Serve, 1S97; Castle and Colony, 1S99; Visiting the Sin, 1900; Doris Kingsley, Child and Colonist, 1901; Handicapped Among the Free, 1903; The Dilemma of Engeltie, 1911. Methodist Favors woman suffrage.

REA, Carolyn Morse (Mrs. Paul Marshall Rea),

192 Ashley Av., Charleston, S.C.

Born Manchester, N.H., Feb. 23, 1877; dau. William C. and Matilda H. (Russell) Morse; ed. Medford (Mass.) High School; '^Vellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; Marine Biological Laboratory, 1898-99 (mem. The Agora); m. Medford, Mass., June 28, 1904, Paul Marshall Rea; one son: John Morse Rea, b. Sept. 22, 1909. Assistant in botany, Wellesley Coll., 1898-1900; prof, biology. Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1900-01; instructor in charge of dep't of biology, State Normal School, and supervisor of nature study in Bart- lett Model School, Lowell, Mass., 1901-04. Active in Civic Club, Charleston, S.C, and in societies and educational work connected with the Charles- ton Museum, collaborating with husband, who is

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