Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/669

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lips-Jenkins as teacher, a coloratura high so- prano voice and singing in public unprofession- ally. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Finance Com. of the Philadelphia County Woman Suf- frage Soc.; Equal Suffrage League. Contributor to various papers on current topics. Reared a Presbyterian, now New Thought Disciple as well. Mem. Site and Relic Soc., Philadelphia Operatic Soc. Recreations: Singing, bridge. Mem. Man- heim Cricket Club, Philadelphia Cricket Club, Belfield Cricket Club, Philadelphia Music Club; vice-pres. Wilson Coll. Club; mem. Stone Har- bor Yacht Club.

RENWICK, Pamela Helen Goodwin (Mrs. Will iam Renwick), Box 306, Claremont, Cal. (Los Angeles Co.).

Born Akron, O., Mar. 2, 1845; dau. Thomas H. Goodwin, of Akron, and Josephine M. (Field) Goodwin, of Northfield, Mass.; grad. Akron High School (first graduate), '64; Oberlin Coll., E.L. '68; m. Davenport, Ia., June 16, 1879, William Renwick (died Jan. 12, 1889); one son: William Goodwin, b. Jan. 10, 1886 (now lawyer at Boston, Mass.). Taught at Akron High School for six years. Active in work for Foreign and Home Missions, attended the World's Missionary Con- ference, 1910, as a delegate of the Woman's Board of the Pacific (Congregational). Favors woman suffrage. Occasional contributor to maga- zines. Progressive. Mem. Iowa branch of Col- onial Dames of America. Foreign correspondent of Southern branch of Woman's Board of the Pacific (Foreign Mission Board of Woman's Home Missionary Union of Southern Cal.) Mem. the Cactus Club of Claremont, Cal., and the Rembrandt Club of Pomona Coll. and Claremont. Recreations: World travel, studying missions, archæology and art.

REPPLIER, Agnes, 2035 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Author; b. Philadelphia, 1858; dau. John George and Agnes (Mathias) Repplier; ed. Convent of the Sacred Heart, Torresdale, Pa.; Univ. of Pa., Litt. D. '02. Author: Books and Men; Points of View; Essays in Idleness; Essays in Miniature; Varia; Compromises; A Happy Half Century; The Fireside Sphinx; In Our Convent Days; Philadelphia, the Place and People; Americans and Others; In the Dozy Hours. Roman Catho- lic. Mem. Acorn Club, College Club (Phila- delphia). Spent five years in Europe and Africa.

RE QUA, Alice Haven (Mrs. Charles Howard Re Qua), 3629 Grand Boulevard, Chicago., Ill. Born Chicago, April 12, 1865; dau. Luther and Annie Elizabeth (Wheaton) Haven; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Berlin, Germany; Paris, France; m. Dec. 3, 1888, Charles Howard Re Qua; chil- dren: Haven A., Catharine Haven, Charles How- ard. Episcopalian.

REUL, Matilda E., Baraboo, Wis. Teacher; b. Mazomania, Wis., Dec. 8, 1857; dau. George M. and Adelheid (Raacke) Ruel; ed. Mazomania High School, '73; Univ. of Wis. B.S. 77; Harvard Annex, fall, '87; winter, '88; M.S. from Univ. of Wis. '92. Congregationalist. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Sauk Co. Historical Soc. Mem. Fortnightly Club, 1890-99; Woman's Club, 1896-99. Most deeply interested in education of both sexes in a practical preparation for the duties of life and instilling in them the highest ideals of manhood and womanhood.

REVELEY, Ellen G., 437 Westcott St., Syracuse, N.Y. Teacher; b. Verona, N.Y., 1840; dau. Thomas and Ann (Green) Reveley; ed. common schools, Whitestown Sem., Albany State Normal, Pd.D. Connected with Cleveland public schools, 1865- 1903, as grammar school teacher and principal; principal of City Normal School and supervisor of sohools. Sunday-school teacher. Pres. of Reveley Normal Graduate Principals' Ass'n; chairman of Reveley Bible Class Ass'n; mem. W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Progressive. Mem. Woman's Foreign and Wom- an's Home Missionary Socs.

REVELEY, Ida Loulse, 437 Westcott St., Syra- cuse, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Oct. 20, 1870, Lowell, N.Y.; dau. George W. and Nancy (Jefferson) Reveley; grad. State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y., '96; Syracuse Univ., Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '05; Cornell Univ., M.A. '09. Taught in Preparatory School, Alfred Univ., 1896-99; State Normal Coll., Florence, Ala., 1905-08; Wells Coll. prof. of biology, 1909-. Fa- vorg woman suffrage. Contributor of short poems to magazines. Methodist. Mem. various college ass'ns.

REYNOLDS, Amelia Stead (Mrs. Paul Revere Reynolds, Heathcote Road, Scarsdale, West- chester Co., N.Y. Born Germantown, Pa.; dau. Charles M. and Caroline Conrad (Potter) Stead; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1903; m. Sept. 26, 1899, Paul Revere Reynolds; children: Jane, Mary, Revere, Wendell. First manuscript reader in husband's office five years after marriage. Episcopalian. Recrcations: Horseback riding, gardening.

REYNOLDS, Kate Beatty, Newtown, Conn. Teacher; b. Allentown, N.J.; dau. Willson M. and Katherine (Howell) Reynolds; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96. Teacher, Lakewood, N.J., 1896- 98; Brooklyn, 1898-1902; Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City, since 1903. Author: Outline Lessons in English History; Outline of United States History. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Histori- cal Ass'n.

REYNOLDS, Myra, Foster Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. University professor, writer; b. Troupsburg, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '80, A.M. '92; fellow Univ. of Chicago, 1892-94, Ph.D. '95. Teacher, Wells Coll., 1880-82; Vassar, 1885-92; ass't, 1894-95; instructor, 1895-97; ass't prof., 1897-1902; asso. prof. of English since 1903, Univ. of Chicago. Author: The Treatment of Nature in English Poetry between Pope and Words- worth; Selections from the Poetry of Alfred Tennyson (with introduction and notes); Selec- tions from the Poetry of Robert Browning (with introduction and notes); The Poetry of Lady Winchelsea (with introductory essay).

REYNOLDS, Nellie Austin (Mrs. Herman Myer Reynolds), 168 Main St., Oneida, N.Y. Born Smithfield, N.Y., daughter of Chester Duane and Sarah C. (Armour) Austin; ed. Evans Acad., Peterboro, and Oswego Normal School; Reynolds; children: Neva U., Myron J. Against m. Munnsville, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1882, Herman Myer woman suffrage. Mem. Madison Co. Historical Club, Eltyen Literary Club (pres.), Mothers' Club, D.A.R. Presbyterian.

REYNOLDS, Sadie Davis (Mrs. Walter Guernsey Reynolds), 329 E. 77th St., Seattle, Wash. Craft worker in metals; b. Fond du Lac, Wis. ; dau. William De Witt and Elizabeth (Smith) Davis; ed. Lawrence Coll., Appleton, Wis. (sci- entific course), B.S.; m. Appleton, Wis., Dec. 25. organist and composer; one son: Lamar Guern- 1895, Walter Guernsey Reynolds, distinguished Bey, b. July 27, 1904. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Progressive Republican. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnæ, Tahoma Club (literary); chairman State Arts and Crafts Com., Washing- ton Fed. Women's Clubs.

RHEES, Harriet Chapin Seelye (Mrs. Rush Rhees), 440 University Av., Rochester, N.Y. Born Amherst, Mass.; dau. Rev. Laurenus Clark Seelye, D.D., LL.D. (first pres. of Smith Coll., 1873-1910) and Henrietta Sheldon (Chapin) Seelye; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '88; m. North- ampton, Mass., July 6, 1899, Rev. Rush Rhees, D.D., LL.D., president of Univ. of Rochester; children: Morgan John, b. June 15, 1900; Hen- rietta Seelye, b. Feb. 1, 1904; Rush Jr., b. Mar. 19, 1905. Sec. of Smith Coll., 1890-91; registrar, 1895-96; ass't in German, 1897-98. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnæ Ass'n.

RHOADES, Cornelia Harsen ("Nina Rhoades"), 559 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Harsen and Annie G. (Wheelwright) Rhoades. Author; b. N.Y. City, Dec. 1, 1863; dau. John Lost sight as the result of illness in infancy; educated at home; learned all the "point" printa in use for the blind, also learned how to operate the typewriter, and engaged in authorship. Author: Only Dollie; The Children on the Top