Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/710

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��with her for the New York opera season of 1898. Since that year has lived in America, becoming a naturalized citizen; sang several seasons with the Metropolitan Opera Co., N.Y. City; later starred with her own company and has sung In concerts in the principal cities. SCHUSTER, Lena Aldrich (Mrs. Walter E.

Schuster), East Douglass, Mass.

Born East Douglass, Mass., July 15, 1875; dau. Baylls W. and Mary A. (Ellison) Aldrich; ed. East Douglass public schools; Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B., M.A. (mem. Chi Phi Delta) and Cornell Univ. (was given Sage Scholarship two successive years); m. Jan. 8, 1901, Walter E. Schuster; children: Margaret Evelyn, Winifred, Eleanor. Was ass't in Latin Dep't, Mt. Holyoke Coll. In- terested In various philanthropic and religious activities; sup't of junior work In Congregational Church; mem. of School Board. Congregation- alist. 8CHUTT, Mary H. M. (Mrs. Walter Eugene

Schutt), 1828 E. Eighty-first St., Cleveland, O.

Born Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1870; dau. Evan T. and Elizabeth (Thomas) Howells; ed. Cleve- land public and high schools, and private lessons at home; m. 1st, Aug. 19, 1886, Edward H. Min- chin (died 1895) ; 2d, Nov. 25, 1896, Walter Eugene Schutt; one son: Erie Minchin Schutt. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Cleveland Suf- frage Ass'n. Author of children's stories. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Ex-pres. Cleveland Sorosis Club; pres. Cleveland Federation of V/om- en's Clubs, Cleveland Municipal School League; director Cleveland Women's Club. SCHUYLER, Elizabeth Scammell (Mrs. Mont- gomery Schuyler), 6115 Berlin Av., St. Louis,


Born St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 12, 1882; dau. Henry B. and Martha (Trotter) Scammell; ed. St. Louis Central High School; School of Fine Arts, Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis; m. St. Louis, April 24, 1906 Montgomery Schuyler; children: Martha Hidee, Barbara, William. Mem. Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis. SCHUYLER, Leonora Rogers (Mrs. Livingston

Rowe Schuyler), 567 W. 139th St., N.T. City.

Born Ocala, Fla. ; dau. Col. Samuel St. George and Josephine A. (Baynard) Rogers; ed. Van Norman Inst., N.Y. City; m. Washington, D.C., Rev Livingston Rowe Schuyler. Sec. N.Y. Auxiliary of Southern Industrial Educational Ass'n- elector of the Nat. Soc, Southern Indus- trial Educational Ass'n, Washington, D.C. Direc- tor of the Internat. Council for Patriotic Service. Director in Internat. Council for Uniform Mar- riage and Divorce Laws. Manager and first vice- president of the Hospital Musical Association of N Y City. Sec. Woman's Auxiliary of the Peabody Home, New York City. President Woman's Guild, Allenhurst, N.J. Episcopalian. Regent Manhattan Chapter D.A.R., N.Y City; mem. Memorial Continental Hall Com. D.A..K. ; mem. Washington Heights Ass'n D.A.R., Mary Mildred Sullivan Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy; chairman prize essay com. of Columbia Univ. of U.D.C.; mem. Arlington Monument Com. of U.D.C. SCHWARG, Genevieve Ives Allen (Mrs. Peter J.

Schwarg), Dodge Center, Minn.

Born Clinton, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1861; dau. Charles and Catherine (Vickery) Ives; ed. Houghton Sean., Clinton, N.Y.; m. 1st, La Valle, Wis., Jan. 18 1888 Frank S. Allen; 2d, Dodge Center, Minn., April 19, 1908, Peter J. Schwarg. Taught in Her- kimer N.Y. and in Dodge Center (Minn.) High School eight years. Pres. of Library Board and acting librarian. Favors woman suffrage; fourth vice-pres and mem. of State Board of Minn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Christian Scientist. Re- DUblican. Mem. and first pres. Fortnightly Club of Dodge Center. State pres., 1907-09; recording "ec 1910-14, Minn. State Federation of Women s Clubs- "House Mother" for three years in Minn., as well as Wis. and N.Dak.; the profession of "House Mother" was her own idea, going into the home in the absence of the mother, and doing, as nearly as possible, what that mother did— a needed and remunerative profession.

��SCHWARTZ, Julia Augrusta, La Jolla, Cal.

Author; b. Albany, N.Y., Feb. 3, 1873; dau. George and Emma G. (Young) Schwartz; ed. Omaha High School, '91; Vassar Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. '97 (editor of Vassarion; commencement speaker; holder ot graduate scholaxship in Eng- lish). Teacher In Omaha High School, 1897-98; and has been engaged in authorship continuously from 1897. Author: Vassar Studies; Five Little Strangers; Famous Pictures of Children; Wilder- ness Babies; Elinor's College Career; Wonderful Little Lives; Beatrice Leigh at College. Pro- gressive. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate AUimnffi, Phi Beta Kappa. Recreations: Bicycling, tennis, swimming, walking, gardening. Favors woman sufl'rage.

SCHWIND, Etta Mae Powell (Mrs. Walter Ed- ward Schwind), 315 N. Sixth St., Vandalia, 111. Born Durham, Cal., Aug. 15, 1878; dau. John Robinson and Mary Ellen (Hardin) Powell; ed. Fairfield High School (Latin course), Hay ward Coll. (classic course). 111. State Normal Univ. (Normal, 111.), Chicago Training School (Chicago), correspondence course Nat. Press Ass'n; had private instruction in elocution, music and art, teaching in public school; m. Fairfield, 111., Oct. 15, 1908, Dr. Walter Edward Schwind. Evangelist, Bible teacher, lecturer; corr. sec. cf Nat. Metho- dist Deaconess Ass'n Aid Soc, 1912-13; worker In organizations of Associated Charities, sewing schools for girls, etc. Pres. of Old Students' Ass'n of Chicago Training School, 1912-14; Social Purity worker, Sunday-school worker. Writer for church periodicals, social items for local and city papers; working on manuscript for two books; has written several poems. Methodist. Recreations: Physical culture, walking. Mem. Vandalia Woman's Club (chairman literature and art dep't). Actively engaged in public and philan- thropic work since age of 17 years; organized the beginning of what is now Ellen Moore Mission in Fairfield, 111. Makes addresses for Epworth Leagues, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Deaconess socs., etc. In active evangelistic work 14 years. Prominent in social life and church activities, local and national, of Methodist Epis- copal Church. Against woman suffrage. SCLDMORE, Eliza Ruhamah, care of American Security Storage Co., 1140 Fifteenth St., Wash- ington, D.C.

Author; b. Madison, Wis., Oct. 14, 1866; dau. George BoUes and Eliza Catherine Scidmore; ed. private schools; has traveled extensively in Japan, China, the Dutch East Indies, and India; also in the coast regions of Alaska. Foreign sec. Nat. Geographic Soc. Author: Alaska, the South- ern Coast and the Sitkan Archipelago, 1S85; Jin- rikisha Days in Japan, 1890; Guide to Alaska and the Noi-thwest Coast, 1890; Java, the Garden of the East, 1897; Winter India, 1903; China, the Long-Lived Empire, 1900; As The Hague Ordains, 1907.

SCOnELD, Cora Louisa, 115 Park St., New- ton, Mass.

Research worker; b. Washington, la., Feb. 6, 1870; dau. General Hiram and Amelia B. (Wil- son) Scofleld; ©d. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., '98. Instructor In history, Wel- lesley Coll., 1897-1902. Author: A Study of the Court of Star Chamber; also contributions to historical reviews. Mem. Historical Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Society. Recreation: Travel. Favors woman suffrage.

SCOFIELD, M. Adda, P.O. Box 55, YorkvlUe, 111.

Daughter Ira E. and Mary A. (Holt) Strong; ed. Galesburg public schools; m. July 8, 1902, James Scofleld (second marriage); one son: H. O. Dolph. Organised the Yorkville Woman's Club, April 22, 1911 (pres. ever since), has membership of 220. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Yorkville Chapter No. 295, White Shrine of Jerusalem, Star of the East Shrine No. 16, Aurora, 111. Congregatlon- alist. Favors woman suffrage.

SCOFIELD, Nettie McDougall (Mrs. Clarence Powell Scofleld), 428 S. Stone Av., La Grange, 111.

Born Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 19, 1881; dau. Sidney and Anna Cora (Morris) McDougall; grad. Buf- falo Sem., '99; Smith Coll., B.L. '03; m. Buffalo,

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