Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/721

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SHACKELFORD—SHANNON member Guild of All Souls; Guild of the Holy Ghost; Guild of the Holy Cross. Pres. Travelers at Home Club (Saratoga); member Saratoga Women's Ass'n. SHACKELFORD, Virginia Randolph (Mrs. George Scott Shackelford), Orange, Va. Born Charlottesville, Va., Nov. 28, 1859; dau. W. C. N. and Nannie (Holladay) Randolph; ed. Edge Hill, Albemarle Co., Va.; m. Charlottes- ville, Va., July 1, 1884, Judge George Scott Shack- elford; children: Virginia Randolph, Nannie Hol- laday, George Scott, Margaret Wilson. Episco- pallan. Vice-pres. gen. D.A.R.; mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy (historian 13th Va. Regiment). SHACKLEFORD, Lena Wooten (Mrs. Thomas M. Shackleford), Tallahassee, Fla. Born Woodburn, Ky., Jan. 24, 1862; dau. Peter G. and Mary E. (Lemon) Wooten; ed. public school, private schools and grad. Logan Female Coll., Russellville, Ky., degree of Mistress of English Literature (pres. Coll. Literary Soc.); m. Russellville, Ky., Dec. 13, 1888, Thomas M. Shackleford (chief justice Supreme Court of Florida); children: Robert, Katherine Preston, Lyndon Jenness. Identified with religious, social and philanthropic affairs of Florida for 20 years. Mem. Christian Church. Pres. Whittler Club, Brooksville; first vice-pres. Tampa Women's Club; pres. Tallahassee Women's Club; pres. Fla. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1908-10. Against woman suffrage. 733 SHAFFER, Katharine Boggs (Mrs. J. F. Shaf- fer), 459 N. Sandusky St., Delaware, O. Editor and general secretary; b. Zanesville, Ohio, May 4, 1854; dau. William and Susan M. (Lawrence) Boggs; ed. Shepardson Coll., Gran- ville, Ohio, B.A.; Wittenberg Coll., Springfield, Ohio, M.A.; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, Ph.D.; m. July 3, 1884, Rev. J. F. Shaffer, D.D.; one daughter: Elida Marguerite Shaffer Cook (Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook). The first single woman of the Lutheran Church of America to be sent as a missionary to India. Pres. of Chil- dren's Home of Delaware, Ohio, for 16 years; active in local and State charity work. Evan- gelical Lutheran. Editor for six years of the Lutheran Woman's Work, the official organ of the Woman's Home Missionary Soc. and Wom- an's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Lutheran Church, and sec. of Gen. Exec. Com. of those societies since 1900. Favors woman suffrage. SHALLENBERGER, Bella Glass (Mrs. Frank E. Shallenberger), 1216 S. Cheyenne Av., Tulsa, Okla. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 9, 1869; dau. George and Mary A. (St. John) Glass; ed. Pittsburgh High School; Curry's Inst.; Pa. Coll. for Women; m. Pittsburgh, Aug. 21, 1887, Frank E. Shallen- herger; children: Joseph F., b. Dec. 26, 1889; George G., b. Feb. 19, 1893. Pres. Women's Club, Tulsa, Okla.; vice-pres. Council of Women; dist. chairman Traveling Library; director on Board of Tulsa Free Library. Against woman suf- frage, except woman's representation in all SHACKFORD, Martha Hale, 7 Midland Road, school matters. Methodist. Wellesley, Mass. b. Associate professor English literature; Dover, N.H., Aug. 25, 1875; dau. Charles Burn- ham and Caroline (Cartland) Shackford; ed. Dover public school, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '01; studied in Italy at Rome and Florence; traveled in England, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Holland. Critic in English, Vassar Coll., 1898-99; instructor in English liter- ature, Wellesley Coll., 1901-06; associate pro- fessor, 1906. Mem. Anti-vivisection Soc., Audu- bon Soc., Consumers' League, Health Education League, College Settlement Ass'n and some local suffrage ass'ns. Author: Yale University Prize Poem, 1898; A First Book of Poetics; English Masterpieces of the Nineteenth Century; Euro- pean Masterpieces; Composition-Rhetoric-Litera- ture, a text book for secondary schools (with Margaret Judson); contributions to Persephone and Other Poems; also to educational journals and to magazines. Edited: Spenser's Faerie Queene Book I, 1904; Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome; Shakespeare's As You Like It (Tudor Series); Sources of Chaucer's Constance and Thisbe. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa (Wellesley Chap- ter), Modern Language Ass'n of America. reations: Walking, gardening. SHAFER, Sara Andrew (Mrs. Carlton Shafer), 1411 Michigan Av., Laporte, Ind. Rec- Writer; b. Laporte, Ind.; dau. Dr. George Laf- ferty Andrew and Caroline Platt Andrew (née Andrews); educated privately; m. 1884, Carlton Shafer of Frederick, Md., who died April 26, 1906. Interested in Holy Family Hospital Aid Soc., Laporte Civic Improvement Ass'n; mem. Church Guild, etc. Author: The Day Before Yes- terday, 1904; Beyond Chance of Change, 1905; A White Paper Garden, 1910; Annapolis, Frederick and Mackinac (Historic Towns), 1901, 1902; also stories, essays, poems, in Outlook, Dial and other journals; memoir of Dr. Osborn Ingle (privately printed), 1910. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, Laporte Historical Soc. SHAFFER, Irene Yates (Mrs. Jacob Herbert Shaffer), 97 Marlborough Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born N.Y. City, 1870; dau. James Wilson and Nancy (Terry) Yates; ed. Miss Bang's School, New Haven; Bordentown Coll., grad. classical course; m. Dec. 23, 1897, Jacob Herbert Shaffer; one daughter: Ruth Shaffer. . Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century, Mayflower Soc., New England Women, Patriotic Women of America, Y.W.C.A., Home for Friend- less Women and Children, Needlework Guild. Favors woman suffrage. SHAMBAUGH, Bortha M. H. (Mrs. Benjamin F. Shambaugh), 219 N. Clinton St., lowa City, Ia. Born Cedar Rapids, Ia, Feb. 12, 1871; dau. Frank J. and Katharine (Mosnat) Horack; ed. State Univ. of Ia., 1889-93 (Pl Beta Phi); m. Iowa City, Aug. 11, 1897, Benjamin F. Sham- baugh, prof. of Political Science, Univ. of Iowa. Member Board of Trustees and sup't Sunday- school First Unitarian Church of Iowa City; deeply interested in the cause of liberal religion; also in development of nature study movement in public schools. Favors woman Buffrage. Author: Amana, The Community of True In- spiration, 1908; The Religion of the Inspira- tionists (Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, edited by Dr. James Hastings, Edinburgh, Scot- land); also magazine articles, mostly nature studies, in Youth's Companion, Outlook, Our Animal Friends, The World To-day, Midland Monthly, etc. Unitarian. Mem. Iowa Press and Authors' Ass'n. Mem. N.N. Club of Iowa City. SHANDS, Bessie Nugent (Mrs. Harley R. Shands), 607 N. State St., Jackson, Miss. Born Jackson, Miss., Feb. 19, 1885; dau. Will- iam Lewis and Annie (Webb) Nugent; ed. Bel- haven Coll., Jackson, Miss., A.B. '01; Goucher Coll., Baltimore, A.B. '05 (Tau Kappa Pi); m. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 9, 1908, Dr. Harley R. Shands; children: Aimée Cecile, b. Dec. 7, 1909; William Nugent, b. Oct. 31, 1912. Mem. Y.M.C.A., Old Ladies' Home Ass'n; chairman Health Com. of Fed. Clubs of Miss.; mem. Music Club, Chaminade Music Club, Fortnightly Club, Shakespeare Club; associate mem. of Art Study Club. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. SHANKS, Marla Gore, Bentley Manor, S.I. Writer, illustrator; b. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1875; dau. Charles Gore and Amy (Chamberlain) Shanks; ed. Art Students' League, under Kenyon Cox, Douglas Volk and others. Salaried house- hold writer and illustrator for eight years for the N.Y. Tribune, Sunday and other editions; also answers questions on domestic topics from read- ers (pseudonym, "Maria Gore"). Local sec. of the Audubon Society; interested in fire protec- tion for work horses in crowded stables. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party. Mem. Chamberlain Society, Horse Aid Society. SHANNON, Alice Avery (Mrs. Francis Shan- non), 1002 Cass St., Traverse City, Mich. Teacher; b. Ingersoll, Can., Nov. 25, 1869; dau. Daniel Stoddard and Mary (Scott) Avery; ed. Lexington (Mich.) High School, State Normal,