Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/733

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��SnUBTLEFF, Margaret Homer (Mrs. Arthur A.

ShurtlefE), 66 Mt. "Vernon St., Boston, Mass.

BM-n Boston, 1879; dau. Arthur H. Nichols, M.D., and Elizabeth (Homer) Nichols; ed. Miss Folsom's School; Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1902; m. Boston, April 27, 1905, Arthur A. Shurt- leff; children: Sidney, Sarah, Williajn, John, Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Women's Municipal League, Women's Auxiliary of Mass. Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Ancient Soc. of College Youths (London). Unitarian. Recreation: Tennis; champion Longwood Cricket Club, 1903-04.

SBCUTE, Hattie Josephine (Mrs. Daniel Stan- wood Shute), Esparto, Cal.

High school teacher; b. Medford, Piscataquis Co., Me.; dau. Joseph Beal and Cynthia Lamb (Spearin) Hodgdon; ed. San Francisco Girls' High School ajid City Normal Training School; Univ. of Cal. (first woman graduate of College of Let- ters), A.B., M.A. '03; m. San Francisco, April 3, 1886, Daniel Stanwood Shute (died 1891). Head of English dep't of Mt. Tamalpais Military Acad., San Rafael, Cal.; vice-principal Union High School No. 3, of Alameda Co., 1894-1908; trustee of Scholarship Loan Fund, 1898-1912; year of travel and study in Europe, 1903-04. Reader of English texts for high schools of Cal., 1906-09. Principal of Esparto Union High School since 1912. Before removal to Esparto was chairman of health and development work in Hayward, Cal., under the auspices of the Hill and Valley Club, also cbalrman of the club's Civic Section; one of founders, life member and corr. sec. of the Union Civic Center, HajTvard, and delegate to the Cal. Civic League in San Francisco; also chair- man of Its Forum Com. In Hayward was man- ager of the clothing dep't for the refugees from Ban Francisco during the earthquake and calamity of 1906. Favors woman suffrage; life mem. Col- lege Women's Equal Suffrage League, San Fran- cisco. Presbyterian. Progressive Republican. Mem. State of Maine Ass'n (San Francisco), San Francisco Colony of New England Women, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, San Francisco (Cal. branch); pres. of Graduate Body of First Wom- en's Club of University of Cal.; mem. Alaninl Ass'n of the University of California, Nat. Child Labor Com., Consumers' League, N.Y. City; New England Ass'n of Teachers of English; Am. Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, Am. Peace Soc. Recreations: Walk- ing, driving, music. Mem. the Hill and Valley Club, Hayward, Cal.; San Francisco Center of the Drama League of America, and the Nat. Council of Teachers of English.

SHUTE, Miriam Helen (Mrs. Bruce Thurber

Shute). Clovis, Cal.

Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1879; dau. Dr. Francis W. and Helen (Hobbs) Gosa; ed. Boston private schools; m. Boston^ Mass., Dec. 12, 1905, Bruce Thurber Shute; one son: Henry Lyman, b. June 12, 1912. Mem. of St Mark's Episcopal Guild, Clovis, Cal. Favors womaan suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Republican. .

SIBLEY, Louise F. M. Lyndon (Mrs. Frank

Palmer Sibley), Hlngham, Mass.

Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. Thomas H. and Mary A. (Weston) Lyndon; ed. Girls' High School, Boston; m. Frank Palmer Sibley; one daughter: Helen. Liv&d for some years in a lighthouse in Boston Harbor, of which her father was keeper. Author (under pen-name of "Louise Lyndon): A Lighthouse Village, 1902; also contributor of short stories and articles on various subjecta to magazines.

SIBLEY, Mary (Mrs. Reuben Sibley), Freedom,


Born Freedom, Me., May, 1861; dau. Daniel and Bmlly (Higglns) Tripp; ed. Freedom Acad.; Maine Central Inst.; m. Freedom, Jan. 20, 1881, Reuben Sibley; children: Irene Russell, b. Nov. 2, 1881; Louise, b. June 19, 1885; Ruby Langdon, b. Sept. 21, 1886; Blanche Crosby, b. Sept. 14, 1889. Against woman suffrage. Unlversallst. Pres. Tuesday Club of Freedom. Mem. State Home Economics Committee.

��8EDWELL, Fraaces Haldeman (Mrs. Thomas W. Sldwell), 804 Twenty-arst St., Washing- ton, D.C.

PrincipaJ Friends School; b. Salem, O. ; dau. Joseph S. and Sarah A. (GrlflSth) Haldeman; ed. Martinsbnrg (W.Va.) High School; Vassax Coll., A.B.; m. Washington, D.C, June 29, 1887, Thomas W. Sldwell. Taught In Friends School, Washington, D.C, 17 years; for past 10 yeara work has been executive; co-principal with hus- band in the school since marriage. Mem. Archseologlcal Inst, of America, Am. Fed. of Art, Nat. Geographic Soc., Am. Red. Cross Soc, Girls' Frieadly Soc, Prisoners' Aid Soc, Ne?dlewcrk Guild of America, George Junior Republic; vice-pres. Housekeepers' Alliance. Author of pamphlets on educational matters and artlcl3a for newspapers; also occasional papers befcra clubs or societies. Episcopalian. Former mem. Exec. Com. Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll.; mem. Vassar Students' Aid Soc; ei-pres. V/ash- ington branch, and now vice-pres. South Atlantic Section of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, and of College Women's Club; mem. Ass'n of Coilegea and Preparatory Schools, Maria Mitchell Nan- tucket Memorial Ass'n, Alexander Hamilton Sec; president 20th Century Club. Recreations: Ten- nis, swimming, driving, horseback riding. Clubs: Friends Club, Friends Alumni Ass'n.

STEBFTtT, Annie Ware Sabine (Mrs. Wilbur Henry Siebert), 182 T/. Tenth Av., Colum- bus, Ohio.

Born Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Hylas and Anna (Ware) Sabine; grad. Ohio State Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '84, M.A. (in literature) '86; Mass. Inst, of Technology, B.Sc (in physics); m. Marysvllle, Ohio, 1893, Wilbur Henry Siebert (prof. European history, Ohio State Univ.). Miniature portrait painter; work accepted in the exhibitions of the Am. Soc. of Miniature Painters, N.Y. City, and of the Pa, Acad of Art, Philadelphia. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Columbus, Ohio. Congregationallst. Sec. Columbus Home and School Ass'n, to improve the conditions of child life in Columbus by fostering cooperation be- tween the home and the school. Mem. University Women's Club.

SIFFEBLEN, Isabel Rees (Mrs. Charles Sif- ferlen), 123 S. Elliott Pi., Brooklyn, N.Y. Lawyer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 8, 1873; dau. Dr. William and Isabel A. (Black) Rees; ed. Brooklyn schools. Normal School and N.Y. Univ. (Woman's Law Class), and private tutors; m. Brooklyn, June 24, 1891, Charles Sifferlen of France; children: C Edwin, Gladys Margery. Chairman Exec Board Brooklyn Woman's Re- publican Ass'n; founder and first pres. Shake- speare Club of Brooklyn; pres. Friendly Visitors Soc (23d Waj-d) Brooklyn Bureau of Charities. Sec. St. George Chapter Daughters of the King; mem. Pa. Saturday Nig'ht, Portia and Writers' Literary societies, Soc. for Political Study, Gov- ernment Club and Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y. Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopalian. Interested in mothers' clubs and settlement work; helped establish Adelphl Mothers' Club in Brook- lyn Bureau of Charity settlement. Recreations: Riding, swimming, fencing, dancing. Special chairman In Brooklyn of Woman's Titanic Memorial.

SIKELIANOS, Era Palmer (Mrs. Angelo Slkell- anos), Lefkas. Ionian Islands, Greece. Bom N.Y., 1874; dau. Courtlandt and Catharine Amery (Bennett) Palmer; ed. Paris, Dresden, N.Y. City, Farmington, Bryn Marwr Coll.; m. Bar Harbor, August, 1907, Angelo Sikelianos; one son: Glafkos Sikelianos, b. Athens, March, 1909.

SEKES, Madeleine Wallln (Mrs. George Cushlng Slkes), 811 W. Central Av., Austin Station, Chicago, III.

Bom St. Peter, Minn.; dau. Al.'red and Ellen Gray (Ke^es) Wallln; ed. EMgln Acad.; Smith Coll., 1888-90; Univ. of Minn., '92: fellow In po- litical science, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-94; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '93 (Kappa Alpha Thcta); m. Elgin, 111., Feb. 6, 1897, George Cuehlng Slkes; children: Alfred Wallln, Eleanor Shepard. Taught history at Smith Coll.. 1894-96: lived several

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