Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/756

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��(Ky.) Coll., 1883-85; Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1885-89; head of College Settlement, N.Y. City, 1889-92. Presbyterian. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnee Ass'n. Pres. Present Day Club of Princeton. SPALDING, KHie Almira Southworth (Mrs. Vol- nsv Morgan Spalding), Loma Linda, Cal. Born North Collins, N.Y., 1860; dau. Nathaniel Chester and Chloe (Rathbun) Southworth; ed. Allegheny Coll., 1880-82; Univ. of Mich., B.S. '8.'); fellow in biology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1885-S6; fel- low in botany, Barnard Coll., 1893-94; m. Forest- ville, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1896, Volncy Morgan Spalding (28 years head of botanical dep't of Univ. of Mich.). Ass't in biology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1886- 87; ass't botany, Barnard Coll., 1892-95; ass't mycologist of U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, Wash- ington, 1887-92; served on Board of Directors of Arizona Health League at Tucson. Worked with husband and also at Independent investigation in Desert Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washirgton, situated at Tucson, Ariz. Author of various articles on para.sitlc fungi in reports of U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, 1887-92; Mechanical AdjustmeCt of the Sahuaro to Varying Amounts of Stored Water (Bull. Torrey Botanical Club, 1905); Form Alteration and Growth of Cactus (in publication No. 141 of Carnegie Institution). Since 1909 at Loma Linda, Cal., on account of husband's health. Favors woman suffrage. Bap- tist. Progressive Republican. Mem. Am. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnte. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Shakespeare Section of Contemporary Club of Redlands, Cal.

SPALDING, Elizabeth Hill (Mrs. Ely Parker Spalding), Hyannis, Mass.

Teacher, lecturer, author; b. Stoneham, Mass.; dau. Luther and Sarah A. (Stevens) Hill; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Brook- lyn N.Y., Sept. 10, 1S88, Ely Parker Spalding; one' son: Lawrence. Formerly, for 11 years, head of English dep't, Pratt Inst, and teacher of English, Girls' High School, Brooklyn; lecturer Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, Adelphl Coll., Training School of Nat. Y.W.C.A. Ass'n, and various teachers' institutes. Author: The Problem of Elementary Composition, 1896; The Language Speller (with Frank R. Moore), 1900-01; The Principles of Rhetoric, 1905; contributor to magazines; engaged in editorial work for the State Coll. of Agriculture, Cornell Univ., and others. Mem. Faculty of the Hyannis State Nor- mal Summer School; at different times mem. Brooklyn Woman's Club, Library League of L I. Nat. Geographic Soc, Am. Health League, Com. of One Hundred on Nat. Health; former mem Women's University Club of N.Y. City. Traveled 1906-08 in U.S., West Indies, England, Europe and Egypt. Favors woman suffrage. SPALDING, Mrs. Katherine Moody, 76 Cannon St., Bridgeport, Conn.

Newspaper editor; b. East Hartford, Conn., June 3, 1859; dau. Levi and Catherine (Loomds) Moody; ed. East Windsor, Conn.; m. Rockvllle, Conn., Jan. 24, 1883, Clarence E. Spalding; one daughter: Ethel Cornelia (m. Charles A. Jones of Hamilton, Bermuda). Edited woman's dep't of Bridgeport Independent, 1892; associate edi- tor Bridgeport Morning Telegram, 1899-13; now editor Home Dep't Bridgeport Daily Standard. Mem. Mary Silliman Chapter D.A.R. ; trustee Protestant Widows' Soc; sec. Conn. State Audu- bon Soc; mem. Loomis Family Ass'n, N.Y. Woman's Press Club, Bridgeport Art League. Writer of numerous biographical sketches, and An Afternoon with Fanny Crosby. Congrega- tionalist. Neutral on woman suffrage. SPALDING, Phebe Estelle, Pomona College, Claremont, Cal.

Professor of English literature; b. Westfleld, Vt. ; dau. Benjamin P. and Ann (Folsom) Spald- ing; ed. Carleton Coll., B.L. '89; M.L. 1900; Bos- ton Univ., Ph.D. 1908. Has occupied chair of English in Pomona Coll. since 1889, and since the division of the department, 1904, has been prof, of English literature on the Phebe Estelle Spald- ing Foundation. In 1898-99 traveled and studied in Europe and esi)ecially in England. Author: Tale of Indian Hill (California story); Woman- hood in Art; The Master Came— A Poem of Con-

��solation; The Tahanitch Maiden— A Tale of the San Jacintos. Occasional lecturer upon literary and art themes; occasional contributor of verse, essays and stories to periodicals; instructor In history of art. Congregationalist. Republican. Devotes much of spare time to study and inter- preta,tion of art masterpieces. Recreations: Housekeeping, gardening.

SPANGLEB, Lena Margaret Norton (Mrs. Al- pheus M. Spangler), 164 Seventh. Av., W., Eugene, Ore.

Born Victor, N.Y., July 6, 1859; dau. Edwin Stanley and Elizabeth (Van Ness) Norton; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '82 (mem. Beethoven Soc); m. Rochester, N.Y., July 6, 1894, Rev. Alpheua M. Spangler; children: Margaret Norton, Kath- erine Slayman, Paul Edwin. Teacher in high school, private school, normal school and private tutor. Interested in missions, educational work. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. SPAKHAWK, Frances Campbell, 700 Common- wealth A.V., Newton Centre, Mass. Author; b. Amesbury, Mass.; dau. Dr. Thomas and Elizabeth (Campbell) Sparhawk; ed. Ipsv/ich (Mass.) Female Sem. (valedictorian); afterward teacher for few months. Interested In Indian philanthropic work; chairman (former sec.) of Indian libraries and Industries, which she organ- ized In the Nat. Indian Ass'n. Author: A Lazy Man's Work; A Chronicle of Conquest; A Wed- ding Tangle; Fettered; Senator Intrigue; Honor Dal ton; Life of Lincoln for Boys; Dorothy Brooke's School Days; Dorothy Brooke's Vaca- tion; Dorothy Brooke's Experiments; Dorothy Brooke at Rldgemore; also contributor to papers and magazines. Congregationalist. Mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n. Honorary mem. Elizabeth Whittler Club.

SPABKES, Fannie J., 2 Rutherford St., Bing- hamton, N.Y.

Missionary, lecturer; b. at Chenango Bridge, N.Y.; dau. Samuel and Elizabeth (Tratt) Sparkes; ed. Binghamton, and later by private instructors. Missionary to India 20 years, sent by Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc of M.E. Church. Su- perintendent Girls' Orphanage and Boarding School in Barellly, India, 15 years; later founder and sup't of Blackstone Missionary Institute at Muttra, India; also sup't of Evangelistic and Zenana work In Barellly, Muttra and Brindaban. Lecturer before church, missionary, temperance and Chautauqua organizations; member of va- rious missionary, temperance and literary so- cieties. Has contributed to missionary maga- zines and to religious and local newspapers. Methodist. Mem. W.C.T.U., and of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of M.E. Church Favors woman suffrage.

SPARLING, Edna McKenzie (Mrs. George A. Sparling), 109 Tenth Av., W., Ashland, Wis. Teacher; b. Adamsville, Wis., 1865; dau. Alex- ander and Catherine E. (Ward) McKenzie; ed. Platteville Normal School; m. Adamsville, 1889, George A. Sparling; one son: Elliott Walford. Interested in Sunday-school, Associated Charities and Aid Soc. work. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Camping, boat- ing. Past pres. Monday Club; mem. Stoddard Cluh; former pres. of Bay View Reading Circle. SPAULDING, Alice Howard, 105 Stedman St., Brookline, Mass.

Teacher of English; b. Richmond, Me., June 14, 1878; dau. Abner C. and Sarah J. (Houdlette) Spauldlng; grad. Tufts Coll., B.A. 1900; Radcliffe Coll., M.A. '12. Ass't teacher In Edgartown High School, 1900; in Fitchburg High School, 1900-04; Brookline High School, 1904-10; head dep't English since 1910. Mem. of Drama League of Boston, Nat. Com. of Drama Study, 1911-12; mem. of Nat. Com. for Junior Drama League. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. College Club (Boston), 47 Club (Radcliffe). SPAULDING, Elsie Myers' (Mrs. Arthur E. Spauldlng), 112 West 19th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. Born Cheyenne, Wyo.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; m. Cheyenne, Wyo., July 14, 1903, Arthur E. Spauldlng; two sons. Teacher Cheyenne High SchooL 1895-lSOa.

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