Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/814

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��TBUMPEB, Jessie Smith (Mrs. Frederick J. Trumper), 10839 Pasadena Av., N.E., Cleve- land, O.

Physician; b. near Meadville, Pa.; daughter John Hiram and Mary M. (Keene) Smith; ed. Allegheny Coll. (class poet) A.B. '89, A.M. '91 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); Med. Coll., Cleve- land, 0., M.D. '97; Coll. of Physicians and Sur- geons, Cleveland, '02; post-graduate; m. 1908, Fredericlc J. Trumper. Has worked exten- sively among the sick poor. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Organization Com. Suffrage Party of Cleveland, O. Has been a contributor for a number of years of an occasional article to va- rious magaiiines; most important work has been a study of diet. Congregationalist. Member A.A.A.S., Am. Health League of the Com. of One Hundred, Nat Geographic Soc.

TBUSCOTT, Sarah L., 335 Delaware Av., Buf- falo, N.T.

Real estate operator; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. George Truscott (deceased) and Sarah (Lovering) Truscott; ed. Buffalo Sem., Buffalo. Aas't treas. Woman Suffrage headquarters; mem. of Buffalo Political Equality Club, Equal Franchise League. Unitarian. Vice-pres. and mem. Exec. Com. Neighborhood House; Consumers' League (exec, com.) ; pres. Woman's Civil Service Reform Ass'n of Buffalo, Peace and Arbitration Soc. of Buf- falo. Mem. Twentieth Century Club.

TKYON, Geneva, present address. State Hospi- tal, Pontiac, Mich.; permanent, 78 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass.

Physician; b. Cambridge, Mass., 1873; dau. Joseph and Ellen (Cummings) Tryon; ed. pri- vate school, Cambridge Latin School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '07. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Medical Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. Teacher of Latin, Rye (N.Y.) Sem., 1896-19U2; resident physician Pontiac (Mich.) State Hospital since 1909.

TRYON, Kate Allen (Mrs. James Libby

Tryon), 7 8 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass.

Artist, lecturer; b. Naples, Me.; dau. Charles Addison and Annie (Walker) Allen; ed. Portland (Me.) High School; Massena (N.Y.) Acad.; Rhode Island School of Design; Boston Museum of Fine Arts; m. Sept. 15, 1885, James Libby Tryon, Ph.D. (director of the Neiw England dep't of the Am. Peace Soc.); children: Sylvia, b. Sept. 18, 1892 (now student at Vassar), Richard- Wescott, b. Mar. 25, 1903. Introduced the study of American birds into the woman's clubs and schools of New England. Has made three visits to England to study the birds there, with a view to presenting them also in the country. As wife of an Episcopal rector taught church history in the Sunday-school. Favors woman suffrage. Articles largely in Boston Record and Advertiser and Transcript relating to bird study. Episco- palian. Recreations: Yv^alking, painting out of doors. Prepared and superintended the per- formance of two plays given in the Attleboro (Mass.) Opera House: The Bird Carnival, an Opera of Birds; Old Town Folks, a dramatization of Mrs. Stowe's novel. TUBBY, Mary Peckham (Mrs. Josiah T. Tubby,

Jr.), 414 Hillside Av., Plainfield, N.J.

Born New Jersey; ed. in the Misses Vail and Deane's School, Elizabeth, N.J.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; m. 1901 Josiah T. Tubby Jr. After graduation became interested in social settlement work; ass't head worker of College Settlement, Pittsburgh, 1898-99; investigating social settlements in cities of the United States, 1899-1900; head worker at Hartley House, N.Y. City, 1900-01. Pres. Westfield Woman's Club; sec. N.J. State Fed. of Women's Clubs.

TUCKKR, Anna Lynn (Mrs. Ernest Tucker),

Hilton Walbrook, Baltimore, Md.

Born Baltimore, Mar. 4, 1883; dau. Edward Cary and Julia H. (Sanderson) Elchelberger; ed. Randolph Harrison Randal Girls' Latin School, one year in Goucher Coll., Baltimore; m. Feb. 23, 1904, Ernest Tucker; children: Cary Davis, b. 1908; William Randolph, b. 1911. Mem. Wal- brook Presbyterian Church; interested in Neigh- borhood clubs. Trellis Club. Against woman

��suffrage. Recreations: Riding, swimming, tennis,


TUCKEB, Caroline Kimball (Mrs. Gllman Henry

Tucker), 126 W. Eighty-fifth St., N.Y. City.

Born Boston, Mass., 1846; dau. George and Matilda Jane (Moore) Kimball; ed. Boston High School, Framingham Normal School; m. (1st) Newtonville, Mass., 1867, Parker Hallock Clark; (2d) Newtonville, 1871, Oilman Henry Tucker; children: Mabel Parker Clark (Mrs. John H. Huddleston), Mary Carol Tucker (Mrs. Allan E. Robinson), Dudley Oilman Tucker. Pres. Mes- siah Home for Children (interested in this charity from its inception, 1884). Unitarian; mem. Church of the Messiah of N.Y. City. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Women's Political Union, Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Painting, reading. Mem. Barnard Club.

TUCKEB, Charlotte Barrell Cheever (Mrs.

William Jewett Tucker), Hanover, N.H.

Bom Jewett City, Conn., Mar. 10, 1858; dau. Henry T. and Jane (Tyler) Cheever; grad. Wor- cester High School, '77; Smith Coll., A.B. '81 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Worcester, Mass., June 23, 1887, William Jewett Tucker; one daughter: Elizabeth Washburn, b. June 4, 1889. Charter mem. and first sec. Worcester Y.W.C.A. ; second pres. Smith College Alumnse Ass'n, 1883-85; Alumnae trustee Smith College, 1889-95; pres. class of 1881 Smith College. Congregationalist. Pres. Hospital Aid Soc, Hanover, -I^.H.; charter mem. Colonial Dames of America, N.H. Soc. for Preservation of Forests, South End House. Rec- reations: Music, literature, travel and driving. Mem. Friday Morning Club (musical), Worcester; November Club, Andover (charter mem. and pres.). TUCKEB, DeWitt Clinton (Mrs. Preble Tucker),

"Stillside," Rockland Co., N.Y.

Born in Florida, Jan., 1877; dau. DeWitt Clin- ton and Emma (Melville) Willis; ed. boarding school on Long Island; m. N.Y. City, 1900, Preble Tucker (lawyer): one son: Dundas Preble, b. 1902. Favors woman suffrage. Has written arti- cles and done editorial work on several women's magazines. Episcopalian. Democrat. Recrea- tions: Farming, poultry raising. TUCKER, Eva Sophie Eortfi (Mrs. Atherton

Howe Tucker), 101 E. Clark St.., IlJon, N.Y.

Bom Three Rivers, Mass., Apr. 17, 1879; dau. Phidias Alexander and Aurelie J. (Morin) FcrtS; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '99; Radcliffe Coll., M.A. '08; Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland (summer course); m. N.Y. City, June 14, 1911, Atherton Howe Tucker. When an instructor of French took two trips to Europe. During 1902 spent the summer in Paris and Geneva studying French; in 1904 her trip was one of pleasure. Mem. ot Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Travelers' Club of Ilion, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Mu- sic, walking, reading. TUCKEB, Helen Augusta, Avon, Mass.

Born Avon, Mass. ; dau. Henry and Helen (Guild) Tucker; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '95; Colum'bia Univ., A.M. '07; New York School of Philanthropy, '06; fellowship N.Y. School of Phil- anthropy, 1906-07. Teacher Hampton Inst., Va., and secondary schools, 1896-1904; settlement worker; investigator of conditions among Negro craftsmen in N.Y. City for Ass'n for Improve- ment of Conditions Among Negroes in N.Y. City, and of social conditions among Negroes in Pitts- burgh for Pittsburgh Survey; special agent U.S. Bureau of Labor, 1907-09. Mem. Armstrong Ass'n, Women's University Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage.

TUCKEB, Louise Emery, 483 Putnam Av.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Educator; b. Bath, Me., July 23, 1877; dau. George and Martha T. (Perkins) Tucker; grad. Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn. A.B. 1900; Columbia Univ., M.A. '01. Professor of education, Coll. of St. Angela, New Rochelle, N.Y.; principal Publifl School 63, N.Y. City; prof, of education, St. Mary's Coll., Plainfield, N.J. Has done much editorial work on school text-book and on juve- nile magazines. Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science.

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