Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu/839

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��Mem. Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter of the Nat. Soc D.A_R., Tuberculosis Soc, Civic League. Recreations: Boating, S'Wimming, golf, theatre, bridge, society.

WALTON, Sophie Porter Todd (Mrs. John Douglas Walton), Bellport, L.I. Bom Morrisania (now N.Y. City), Dec. 23, 1858; dau. Joshua Landeville To«ld t lawyer, grad. Union Coll.) and Eliza Parmelee (Blake) Todd; early education in private schooia: Rr-id. Mt. Holyoke Coll., '07; grad. student Columbia Univ.; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 10, 1883, John Douglas Wal- ton; one son: WUliam Douglas, b. July 16, 1890. IntereiEted in educational, philanthropic and church activities, the cause of child labor, social service, art, lltacatupe; mem. for years of Com- parative Lit. Soc. ; former mem. Public Educa- tion and N.Y. Mycological Clut). Favors ▼(Wian suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Sorosls Soc., Nat. Soc. of New England vVomen (chairman litera- ture com.), Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Womec. N.Y. Browning Soc, Mt. Holyoke Alunanae AsB'n: vice- pres. and jBcting pres. Prothumian Soc., Woman's Graduate Club of Columbia Univ. Has served as treas. and chairman building and flnance com., and vice-pres. of the Mt. Holyoke Aluninse Ass'n of N.Y.; mem. building com. and trustee Nat. Alumnas Ass'n of Mt. Holyoke Coll. ; chair- man Auxiliary No. 14, Stony Wold Sanatorium. Pres. Ladies' Aid of Presbyterian Church: chair- man Drama Sorosis; mem. Associate Council Am. Coll. for Girls in Constantinople. WALWOKTH, Ellen Hardjn (Mrs. M. T. Wal- worth), Saratoga Springa, N.Y. Teacher, author; b. JackEonvlIle, IlL, Oct 21, 1832; dau. John J. and Sarah B. (Smith) Hardin; ed. JacksoBville Female Sean, and prlrate {.utora to 1850; dlpkwaa Univ. of N.Y. Woman's Law Class, '95; to. Saratoga Springs, 1853, M.. T. VVal- worth (author); children: Praak, Jobn, Besaic, Ellen, M. Tracy, Reubena, Margaret. Proprietor and principal of Young Ladles" Knglish and French School, 1870-86; first teacher e>t parlia- mentary law in N.Y. City, 1892-1^90. Founder and hon. vice-pres. general of D.A.R. in Wash- ington, D.C., 18900; founder Post ParUanicnt Club, N.Y. City, 1S94; In 18S0 mem. Saratoga Battle Monument Aijs'n; chairman in charge o£ monument and tablets. Favors woman sufLrag^; founded Womp.n's Nat. War Relief Ass'a, JbSX. Author: Rules of Ord^er; Parliamentary Liny/, Report of Woman's National War P,flic-f As3oci.i- tion. Vine-pres. In N.Y. for repair of Mt_ Ver- non, 1876; vice-pres. N.Y. State Soc. of Decora- tive Art; laem.. Soc. for >-dvancemcn'. of Na.'.aral Science (read pa^/er before It in B.7ston, 1SS3, an Field Work for Amateurs); charter and life mem. Am. Hist. Ass'n; was pres. Shaitjspewe Club (Saratoga) 12 years; pres. Art and Science Guild Club 'Saratoga); pres. Li'.erary Clab of Saratoga, 1870. May be called a veteran of three wars, as she saw h?.r father, colonel of First Illinois Regi- ment, embark for the Mexican War, lu v/hicb he was killed in the Battle of Buena Vista; nursed Union ofScars and soldiers, sick and wou.nded in the Civil War, 1861-65, and turned her house into a hospital for them, while her brother, C-eiJeral M. B. Hardin, U.S.A., waf. wounded thrt^e times in the field; during Spani:>h War was Ir^ the Field Hospital, assisted by her daughter, VIIss Reubena Hyde Walworth.

WASIBOLUT, Lucy E. 'Mrs. Nelson C. Wo.m- boldt), 915 Talleyrand Av., Jacksonville, Fia. Born Adams Basin, .N'.Y., SepL 26, 1355; dau. Amos N. and Elivia V. Colby; ed. Wells Coll.: m. Jacksonville, Mar. 27, L878, Nelson C. Wamboldt. Pres. Woman's Baptist Missionary Union of Florida; vice-pros. 3t. Luke's Hospital Ass'n of Florida, favors woman suffrage; charter mem. Suffrage Club, recently formtd in Jacksonv.lle. Baptist. Mem. Jacksonville Woman's Club. Fair- field Improvement Ass'n (Jacksonville); charter mem. Florida Fed. of Women's Clubs; was elected vice-pres. at first and pres. at second election (now chairman Reciprocity Bureau).

WANTY, Emma Nichols (Mrs. George P. Wanty), 405 Washington St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Physician: b. Kent Co.. Mich.. July 28, 1851; dau. Charles M. and Mary A. (Winslow) Nichols; ed. Grand Rapids High School and med. dep't Northwestern Univ., M.D. ; m. June 22, 1886, George P. Wanty, U.S. Judge of Weste.-Ti Dis't of Mich.; children: Helen, b. Aug. 22, 1887; Thomas, b. S«pt. i. 1889. Practised medicine 18 years. Ass't to chair of physiology of Northwest- ern Univ. Med. Dep't, six years; taught school nine years. Mem. Board of Education of Grand Rapids since 1S97. Favors woman suilrage. Epis- copalian. M«in. Mothers' League, Ladies' Liter- ary Club, Women's University Club.

WAKBUBTON, £dith Thompsoa (Mrs. Stacy Reuben Warburton), Sharon, Mass. Born Pali Riv«r, Mass., Aug. 26, 1875; dau. Robert H. and Hannah M. (Glfford) Thompson; ed. Brown Univ., A.B. '98, A.M. 1900 (Kappa Alpha Theta): m. Providence, R.I., 3*pt. 23, 1902, Rev. Stacy Reuben Warburton; children: Faith, Florence. Missionary in China, 1902-04. Baptist.

WABD, Ada SstIb (Mrs. Chaj-lea I>>d Ward).

782 St. Nlciolaa Xv.. X.t. City.

Bom Ooweco, H.Y.; Sau. Henry LewiB and Jane Moore (Spren^) Davis; ed. scixoola *t Cw- wego, N.Y. ; Woman's Uaw Class of N.T UnlT • m. Jersey City. t8S2, Charles Zkid Ward; one daughter; Laura Ada (now Mrs. Gerala Stu*rt O'Loughlln). Favors woman sulTrage. Episco- pallAn. Mean. Dwi.R., Daughters «f the Ravclii- tion, Holland Damoa, Hugiicnot Soc., Daug-hters of 1^12, Patriotic Woraen of America, Soc. of Cavaliers, Minerva Club, Portia Club.

WAR1>, Anna Lydia, 146 Pine St., Waterbury,


Author; b. Bloomfleld, N.J. ; dau. Israel Currie and Almeda (Hanks) Ward; ed. Ripley Coll. Poultney, Vt Pres. since 1S96 of Waterburv (Conn.) Inst, of Craft and Industry; appointed by Gov. of Connecticut commissioner, 1907-15, to appoint a woman factory instructor for the State of Connecticut; mem. Board of Directors Nat League of Women Workers. Author: Cyclopa>dia of Practical Quotations (associate editor). 1881- Surf and V/ave, 1883; Dictionarv of Quotations from American Authors, 18S4; Waterbury, Conn., Illustrated, 1889; Dictionary of Quotations in Prose, 1889; Town and City of Waterbury, Conn., illustrated, three volumes (associate editor). 1896; contributor to periodicals. Presbyterian. Mem. Country Club of Waterbury, prominent in women's club work. In 18S6, with Miss Floren- tine H. Hayden, visited Labrador, attainin-? a more northerly point than any which up to that date had been attained by an American woman; made an ethnological study of the Eskimo of Northern Labrador, and their mode of life. Hon. cor. mem. Inst, of Jamaica, Kingston, B.W.I.

WARD, Arabella, South Orange, N.J.

Journalist, writer, translator; b. N.Y. City; ed in schools of South Orange, N.J., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '88. After graduation engaged in teaching and later in newspaper work. Con- tributor of short stories and articles to maga- zines. Translator from the French of the works of Victor Hugo, HonoriS de Balzac, Alexandre Dumas, and other novelists, also of Varigny's Women of the United States, .^.natole France's Crime of Sylvester Bonnard, Gaston Roissier's Roman Africa, etc.

WARD. Coriime Andrews (Mrs. William Coch- ran Ward), 67 Glenwood Av., East Orange. N.J.

Born Irvington, N.J. ; dau. Joseph Andrews and Jane (Morris) Whlttaker; ed. private school and tutors, Mt. Holyoke Coll., Mass.; m. Newark, N.J., William Cochran Ward; children: Henry Carleton, Janet Morris. Interested in church and philanthropic work. Author of newspaper work, stories, sketches, essays for a period of ten years or more, in Springfield Republican, N.Y. Sun, Newark Sun and Sunday Call, Life, and others. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Pres. N.J. State Press Ass'n of Women (has held various other ofHces in that organization); mem. Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Music, motoring. Mem. private local club of authors.

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