Page:Woman — Her Charm and Power.djvu/9

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WOMAN: HER CHARM AND POWER CHAPTER I VARIED ESTIMATES OF WOMAN Tender, and sweet, and faithful, I have found her, Since heaven looked on me through my mother's eyes ; And still, methinks, heaven's light and grace surround her, To baffle scorn and silence enemies. R. P. D. In my soul I think God meant to teach the world the way to purity and nobility through women. And I believe, with old Martin Luther, that the noblest thing God ever made on earth is the heart of a right noble, loving woman. HENRY WARD BEECHER. WOMAN, thank God, is always with us. She brings us into being. We are cradled in her arms. She loves and guards us with fond devotion when as yet we have awakened no other interest. We may- be plain, but she sees beauty in us. We may be ill- tempered, but she bears with us. She will sacrifice ease, sleep, strength, yea life itself to serve us. She is Love's form. God first looks on us through her tender eyes. She interprets for us the love, the pity, and the grace of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is her^constant and 13