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paid seamstress on the earth, who would like to follow the example of Dorcas. They have found in the bitterness of life that "one borning and one dying" is enough.

The Jewish maiden, known as Jepthah's daughter was not considered worthy of a name, and the wife of Jesse, mother of David, and the wife of Monoah, the mother of Samson, had no names of their own, yet the mothers of the champions of the prize ring in this day are known by name throughout Christendom.

Little is said in scripture about Mary, the "Mother of Christ." It is written that she was a virgin and bore a son by the Holy Ghost. Certainly no woman since that time has been able to defy the law of nature, and follow her example, Mary became the wife of Joseph, the carpenter, and had a number of other children.

The New Testament gives two genealogies of Christ, one said to be on Mary's side of the house and the other on Joseph's, though why the genealogy of the son of a ghost should be traced through Joseph, it is not easy to see. The art of tracing the genealogy of ghosts may not have been known in that day and is not in this. Luke ii. 4, says that "Joseph was of the house and lineage of David," and Jesus, the son of Mary is called the "Son of David."

Certain it is the Christian world has accepted the Virgin Mary and her cousin Elizabeth as the most trustworthy women of all time. Of course the dreams and visions of Joseph and Zacharias bear testimony to the immaculate conceptions of these divinely favored cousins.

Nineteen hundred years of Christianity have not produced a single woman whose integrity would not be questioned if she made such a claim.

Mary Magdalene, one of the unfortunates of earth,