Page:Woman of the Century.djvu/220

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much for the press, both in prose and verse. She has lectured on literary subjects and on temperance graceful a writer, in many of the cities the cities and towns of the Northwest. As an orator she is eloquent and winning. She is EMMA A. CRANMER. an earnest worker in the white-ribbon movement, with which she has been connected for years, and is president of the South Dakota Woman's Christian Temperance Union. In equal suffrage she is profoundly interested, and is president of the South Dakota Equal Suffrage Association. She is a woman of strong convictions, and a cause must appeal to her judgment and sense of right in order to enlist her sympathy.

ALICE ARNOLD CRAWFORD. CRAWFORD, Mrs. Alice Arnold, poet. born in Fond du Lac, Wis., 10th February. 1850. At an early age she gave promise of brilliancy of mind and facility of expression. Her youthful talent was carefully fostered and encouraged, both by a judicious mother and by her friends. Her father, a man of sterling qualities of mind and heart, died when she was but four years old. At sixteen she was graduated from the high school in Fond du Lac. with honors. For several years after her graduation she taught in the public school and gave lessons in music. At the same time she wrote for the papers of her city, in one of which she had a regular department, besides furnishing several continued stories. Her poems and short sketches were published by various periodicals. When the Grand Duke .Alexis visited Milwaukee, Wis., she was called upon and furnished the poem of welcome. In September, 1872, she became the wife of C. A. Crawford, a banker of Traverse City, Mich., and that place was her happy home for two years before her death, which occurred in September, 1874. The year following an edition of her poems was issued in Chicago, and a second edition was published a few years later. Mrs. Crawford's whole life was in itself a poem. She left one child, a daughter, who inherits her mother's poetic temperament and bids fair to beecome as graceful a writer.

MRS. JOHN CRAWFORD. CRAWFORD, Mrs. John, newspaper correspondent, born near Syracuse, N.V.. 21st July, 1850.