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obnoxious bills, in originating and pushing some beneficent ones, and in creating harmony of action with branches in other States. The fact that for twelve years, while her son was completing preparatory and college courses, Mrs. Hiles did all the outside work of her deceased husband's extensive estate, has given her considerable prominence as a successful business woman. Yet, with all the record of her practical philanthropies and financial responsibilities, she is essentially a literary woman and a poet She has published in various periodicals. From the time she was an infant up to the present, Mrs. Hiles has been a sufferer physically, scarcely knowing a well day. Again and again she has been very near death's door, and yet the amount of work she has done and the good she has accomplished in various fields make her career remarkable in the history of public-spirited women. She has traveled extensively, both in America and Europe. She is a lover of art, of nature and of humanity. She is a woman of great personal magnetism and thoroughly conversant with the field of ancient and modern literature, as well as of occult science. Her two homes in Pewaukee and Milwaukee are in summer and winter centers of generous hospitality and centers of art. She is earnestly interested in all measures for the progress of her sex in high and womanly lines.

HILL, Mrs. Agnes Leonard, author, was born in Louisville, Ky. Her father, Dr. Oliver Langdon Leonard, was a native of Springfield, Mass., his mother belonging to the well-known Langdon family. He was locally prominent, forty years ago, for his scholastic attainments and literary ability. He was president of the Masonic College in La Grange. Ky., just before the Civil War, and afterwards president of Henry Female College, New Castle, Ky. AGNES LEONARD HILL. In the latter college Mrs. Hill was graduated in 1862, and the following year she went to Chicago, where she became the wife, in the autumn of 1868, of Dr. S. E. Scanland, a native of Kentucky, who died about two years after marriage. On 15th May, 1872, Mrs. Agnes Leonard Scanland became the wife of Samuel Howe Hill, of Bangor, Me. Mrs. Hill's mother was a native of Kentucky, and was born of Virginian parentage. In her veins Rowed the blood of the Howards and Percys. She died in Louisville, leaving three children. Placed in boarding-school at an early age. and having no home duties in her youth, Mrs. Hill developed literary tastes and habits. She wrote verses at the age of eight years, and George D. Prentice, then editor of the Louisville "Journal," began to publish her verses when she was only thirteen years of age. Mrs. Hill has done editorial work for the Chicago "Tribune," "Times," "News" and the Leadville "Dispatch," edited by her brother, Percy Allan Leonard. She has three volumes of poetry and a novel, "The Specter of Gray Gulch," a story of Colorado, about ready for publication. Her last work published is "Hints On How to Talk." In her early girlhood she published three books, but does not consider any of them worthy of preservation. She was the founder of "Western Society," a weekly paper started in Denver, Col., in December, 1888, afterwards changed to "Home and Society." Mrs. Hill's lectures in Denver University and other places have been both profitable and congenial work. She has four children, three daughters and a son, all of whom have manifested literary ability.

HILL, Mrs. Eliza Trask, woman suffragist and journalist, born in Warren, Mass., 10th May, 1840. She is the youngest daughter of Rev. George Trask and Kuth Freeman Packard. On her father's ELIZA TRASK HILL. side she is of Scotch ancestry. Her mother was a daughter of Rev. Asa Packard, of Lancaster, and granddaughter of Col Josiah Quincy, of Quincy, Miss. Mrs. Hill inherits from both father and