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Rev. Charles E. Stowe, a son of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mrs. Frank Osborne, Regent of the Daughters of the Revolution for Illinois, and scores of other men and women of note in politics, art, journalism, religion and literature.

HOOPER, Mrs. Lucy Hamilton, poet and journalist, born in Philadelphia, Pa., 20th January, LUCY HAMILTON HOOPER. 1835. She was the daughter of a well-known merchant of that city. Her maiden name was Jones. She became the wife, in 1854, of Robert E. Hooper, a native of Philadelphia, and resided in that city until a few years ago. Her first poems, written at a very early age, were published in "Godey's Lady's Book." In 1864 appeared a small collection of her poems, published by Mr. Leypoldt, the first hundred copies of the edition being presented by the author to the Great Central Fair for the benefit of the sanitary commission, which was then in progress in Philadelphia. In 1868 was begun the publication of "Lippincott's Magazine," to which Mrs. Hooper became a constant contributor. She assumed the functions of assistant editor of that periodical, a post which she retained till her visit to Europe, in 1870. In 1871 a second collection of her poems was published, including most of those that had been printed in the first volume, with important additions. Though born to great wealth, Mrs. Hooper found herself finally compelled by the consequence of a commercial crisis to adopt, as a profession, those literary pursuits which had hitherto formed her favorite recreation. She went to Europe in 1874 to become the Paris correspondent of several prominent American newspapers. Her efforts in that direction have been crowned with success. She is now a regular contributor to the "Daily Evening Telegraph," of Philadelphia, an engagement of sixteen years' duration, and of the "Post-Dispatch." of St. Louis. She is the author of a translation of Alphonse Daudet's novel, "The Nabob," which was published by special agreement with M. Daudet An original novel, called " Under the Tricolor," and a four-act drama, entitled "Helen's Inheritance," have been her latest literary works of important character. The latter was first produced in June, 1888, in a French version, in the Theatre d'Application, in Paris, Miss Nettie Hooper playing the part of the heroine. She sustained the role when the piece was brought out by A. M. Palmer in the Madison Square Theater, in New York, in December, 1889. The drama has been played under another title, "Inherited," throughout the United States for several seasons past. Mrs. Hooper has contributed a large number of stories, articles and poems to the leading American periodicals during the past twenty years. Her home is in Paris, France.

HOSMER, Miss Harriet G., sculptor, born in Watertown, Mass., 9th October, 1830. Her father was a physician. Her mother and sister died of consumption, and Harriet was led to live an outdoor life. Her genius for modeling in clay showed itself in her youth, when in a clay-pit near her home she spent her time in modeling horses, dogs and other forms. She received a fair education and took lessons in art in Boston. With her father she studied anatomy, and afterward went to St. Louis, Mo., where she took a course of study in the medical college. In 1851 she executed her first important work, an ideal head of "Hesper." In 1852 she went to Rome, Italy, with her father and her friend, Charlotte Cushman There she was a pupil with Gibson. She at once produced two ideal heads, "Daphne" and "Medusa," which were exhibited in Boston in 1853. In 1855 she produced her first full-length marble figure, "Œnone." Her other productions include "Will-o-the-Wisp," HARRIET G. HOSMER, "Puck," "Sleeping Faun." "Waking Faun," "Zenobia," a statue of Marie Sophia, Queen of the Sicilies, and other famous figures. Her "Beatrice Cenci" and her bronze statue of