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Belle Case spent her childhood in Bamboo, Wis. She was educated in the public schools and in the State University, from which she was graduated in 1879. She was conspicuously bright, and won the Lewis prize for the best commencement oration. BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE. Her perfect health was proved by the fact that she attended school and was a close student for eight consecutive years, including her university course, without losing a recitation. She became the wife in 1881 of her classmate, Robert M. La Follette. a lawyer. She became interested in his work, which led to her enter the Wisconsin Law School in 1883, and from which she was graduated in 1885. She was the first woman to receive a diploma from that institution. During the same year Mr. La Follette was elected to Congress, which necessitated their removal to Washington, and Mrs. La Follette has done no practical professional work. In meeting the social obligations incident to her husband's official position, held for six years, she found no time for anything else. While not the most profitable life imaginable, Mrs. La Follette yet found it far from vain or meaningless. She saw Women greet one another in drawing-rooms in much the same spirit as men meet in the Senate Chamber and House of Representatives, and her Washington experience resulted in enlarged views touching the Opportunities and possibilities offered women, called into the official circle from all parts of the United States, not only for broad social development, but also for wholesome and effective, though indirect, influences upon the life and thought of the nation. On the banks of Lake Monona, in Madison, Wis., the present home of Mrs. La Follette is delightfully located. She has proved herself a most worthy and inspiring sharer of the honors trials and responsibilities of her distinguished husband's professional and political life. Devoted to him and to the education ol their young daughter, Flora, she is to-day not only one of the most prominent, but one of the most quietly contented, of Wisconsin's progressive women.

LA GRANGE, Miss Magdalene Isadora, poet, born in Giulderland, N. Y., 17th September, MAGDALENE ISADORA LA GRANGE. 1864. which is now her home. Her family is of Huguenot origin. The ancestral home. Elmwood," has been in the possession of the family for over two-hundred years. Miss La Grange was educated in the Albany Female College. Albany. N. Y. She studied for three years with Prof. William P. Morgan. She began at an early age to write prose articles for the press. Some of her early poems were published and met such favor that she was led to make a study of poetical composition. Her songs are of the plaintive kind, religious and subjective in tone. She has issued one volume, "Songs of the Helderberg" (1892).

LAMB, Mrs. Martha Joanna, historian, born in Plainfield, Mass., 13th August. 1829. She has long In-en a resident of New York City, where she has earned her reputation of the leading woman historian of the nineteenth century. She is a middle-aged woman, a good talker and a most industrious worker in the historic and literary field. Recognition of her genius has been prompt and full. She has been elected to honorary membership in twenty-seven historical and learned societies in this country and Europe, and she is a life-member of the American Historical Association and a fellow of the Clarendon Historical Association of Edinburgh, Scotland. She holds her precedence by the high character and importune of the subjects to which her abilities have been devoted. She is at present the editor of the "Magazine of American History," a position of great responsibility which she has filled acceptably for ten consecutive years. The name that this peripdical has won, of being the best distinctively historical magazine in the world, and its growth since Mrs. Lamb has occupied the editorial chair, tell very forcibly that she not only