Page:Woman of the Century.djvu/624

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give it up. She was president of the Iowa Grand Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood three years. Under her supervision the organization grew and prospered. In 1890 she was elected national grand chapter president of that sisterhood. She has ever been interested in all work connected with woman's advancement. She is a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and has been, since its organization, holding important offices in that society. In 1889 she was elected county superintendent of the public schools of Mahaska county, Iowa. She is the first woman ever elected to that office in that county. She was reelected in 1891 with an increased majority. Under her supervision the county schools are taking high rank, and education in all lines is being advanced. She also served as member of the school board, vice-president of the State teachers' association, and president of the Woman's Round Table. In 1891 her name was mentioned for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. She refused at once to allow her name to be presented to the Democratic convention. She is a member of the executive council of the educational department of the Columbian Exposition of 1893. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church and interested in the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. She is at present editor of the "Schoolmaster," an educational journal published in Des Moines, Iowa.

ROGERS, Mrs. Emma Winner, author, is a native of Plainfield, N. J. On both sides she has the advantage of good ancestry. She is the daughter of Rev. John Ogden Winner, and the grand-daughter of Rev. Isaac Winner, D. D., both being clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church and natives of New Jersey. On the maternal side EMMA WINNER ROGERS. she is the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Moses Taylor, and Moses Taylor, second, during their lives successful business men of New York City. She received her early education in private schools in Jersey City. N. J., graduating from Pennington Seminary. Pennington, N J., and later from the University of Michigan. For six years she was the corresponding secretary of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of Detroit Conference, and is now the honorary president of the Rock River Conference Woman's Home Missionary Society. She is connected with the woman's work of the Columbia Exposition, as the chairman of the committee on municipal order, of the World's Congress Auxiliary. She is a member of the Chicago Fortnightly Club. She is specially interested in literary work in the line of social science and political economy, and has been a contributor on those subjects to various papers and periodicals. She has written a monograph entitled "Deaconesses in Early and Modern Church," which exhibits diligent research and marked historical and literary ability. While yet young, she became the wife of Henry Wade Rogers, of Buffalo, N. Y., afterwards dean of the law school of the University of Michigan, and now the president of Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. She is a woman of marked ability, especially endowed with the logical faculty and with the power of dispassionate judgment. She is a type of the younger college woman, who, with the advantage of the wider training of the higher education, brings her disciplined faculties to bear with equally good effect upon the amenities of social life and the philanthropic and economic questions of the day. As the wife of the president of a great university, her influence upon the young men and women connected with it is marked and advantageous. While she is still a young woman, she has already left an impress upon the life of her times that is both salutary and permanent.

MARY FLETCHER ROGERS. ROGERS, Mrs. Mary Fletcher, author, was born in Louisville, Ky. She is a member of the well-known Fletcher family of New England.