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Hudson Tuttle, of Berlin Heights, Ohio, where she has passed her life. Her husband is also an author. Their family consists of three children. Their son, Dr. Carl Tuttle, is a well-known ornithologist. Their daughter, Miss Clair Tuttle, is a successful actor. After her marriage Mrs. Tuttle began the exercise of her dramatic power, which is second only to that of her gift of song. A part of her repertory was her own lyrical compositions. Her earliest publication was "Blossoms of Our Spring" (Boston, 1864), which was followed by "Gazelle," a, tale of the rebellion, (Boston, 1866), " Stories (or Our Children," and a joint work with others, "The Lyceum Guide" (1870). Her last volume is entitled " From Soul to Soul " (New York, 1890. She varies her domestic and literary work with the recreations of painting and elocution.

TUTWILER, Miss Julia Strudwick, educator, is a native of Alabama. She is the daughter of Dr. Henry and Julia Ashe Tutwiler. Henry Tutwiler, LL. D., was the first A. M. of the University of Virginia, having entered that institution in the first year of its existence, when Thomas Jefferson was chancellor. Through her mother Miss Tutwiler is descended from those well-known families of North Carolina, the Shepperds, Strudwicks and Ashes. In very nearly every Congress convened there has been a representative of the Ashe family. JULIA STRUDWICK TUTWILER. She was educated with great care. She was first instructed by her learned father and then spent some time in a French boarding-school of high repute in Philadelphia. Pa. She spent some time in Vassar College. Afterwards she passed three years of study in Germany. One year of that time she spent with the deaconesses of Kaiserwerth. In 1878 she was selected over many applicants to represent the "International Journal of Education" in the Paris Exposition In 1890 she was appointed to read a paper before the National Educational Association in Minneapolis, Minn., which brought forth much comment from the press of the United States. In August, 1891. she read by appointment a paper on "A German Normal School" before the International Educational Association in Toronto. Ont., and in that meeting was chosen president for the next year of one of the departments of the association. Not only is she known as one of the leading teachers of the United States, but her poems, essays, stories and sketches have won her a reputation in the literary world. Her song, "Alabama." is sung in many of the schools of that State, and her sketches of people and scenes written during her stay in Europe for some of the leading magazines were widely copied. Alabama is the only State where the horrors of the lease-system of convict-government have been ameliorated by the establishment of prison-missions, in the form of night schools in the convict-camps. She has always taken a leading part in the establishment of these schools and in the accomplishment of other measure., for improving the condition of the criminal administration of the State. Several measures conducive to this end have been passed through the legislature by her exertions She has received from the State appointment as superintendent of prison schools and missions. She is State superintendent of two departments of work under the Woman's Christian Temperance Union organization, the department of prison and jail work and work among miners. She is preeminently a teacher, and is at present principal of the Alabama Normal School.

TWIGGS, Mrs. Sarah L., poet, born in Barnwell county, S. C., 29th March, 1839. Her life from earliest infancy to womanhood was passed in one of the beautiful southern homesteads that lie along the Savannah river border, near Augusta. Ga. SARAH L. TWIGGS. Her great-grandfather, Gen. John Twiggs, figured as one of the Revolutionary heroes. Her ancestors were Swedish Norsemen. The first of the name