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maiden name was Emma R. Gilson. She received a careful education, and was at an early age interested in reform and charitable movements. She became the wife of Col. M. R. M. Wallace. 2nd MRS M. K. M. WALLACE. September. 1863, and their wedding tour took them to the South, where Colonel Wallace was stationed. They remained in the South until the war ended, and then went to Chicago, Ill., where they have since lived. They are members of St. Paul's Universalist Church, in that city, and Mrs. Wallace has been prominently identified with its interests. She has been for years president of the Women's Universalist Association of Illinois, and the work accomplished under her leadership has been of great importance to the denomination at large. She has successfully managed church and charitable associations without number. She is a member of the Chicago Press Club, the Chicago Woman's Club, the Woman's Relief Corns, the Woman's Exchange, the Home of the Friendless and many other similar organizations. She was among the first to interest the public in a woman's department for the World's Columbian Exposition for 1893, and she is one of the lady managers of the exposition. She is now president of the Illinois Industrial School for Girls, in Evanston, and that institution owes much of its success to her.

WALLACE, Mrs. Susan Arnold Elston, author, born in Crawfordsville, Ind., 25th December, 1830. Her maiden name was Susan Arnold Elston. She was an active, intelligent girl, and received a good education in the schools of her native town and New York. In 1852 she became the wife of Gen. Lewis Wallace, now amous as the author of "Ben Hur." During the Civil War she saw much of camp-life and war in general. They made their home in Crawfordsville, where General Wal- lace practiced law after the war. From 1878 to 1881 he was governor of New Mexico, and Mrs. Wallace passed those years in that Territory. From 1881 to 1885 she was with him in Turkey, where he was serving as United States minister. They were popular in that oriental land, and Mrs. Wallace was permitted to see more of the life of oriental women than any other woman before her had seen. General Wallace was the intimate friend of the Sultan. During their residence in the orient they gathered from travel and observation much of the material for their books In 1885 they returned to their home in Crawfordsville. where General Wallace resumed the practice of law and wrote his famous books. Mrs. Wallace has been a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines for many years, contributing stories and poems. Her most widely known poem is "The Patter of Little Feet." Her published books are "The Storied Sea" (Boston. 1884): "Ginevra, or the Old Oak Chest" (New York, 1887); "The Land of the Pueblos," with other papers, (1888), and "The Repose in Egypt" (1888). She gives a good deal of attention to charitable movements, and her home is a literary and social center.

WALLACE, Mrs. Zerelda Gray, reformer, born in Millersburg. Bourbon county, Ky , 6th August, 1817. She is the daughter of Dr. John H. Sanders and Mrs. Polly C. Gray Sanders. Her father was of South Carolina descent, and her mother a member of the Singleton family. Zerelda was the oldest of five daughters. ZERELDA GRAY WALLACE. She received as good an education as could be had in the Blue Grass Region schools of those early days. When she was ten years old. she attended a grammar-school taught by Miss Childs, a Massachusetts woman. In 1828 she entered a boarding-school in Versailles, Ky., where she remained two years, studying science and history, mythology and composition. In 1830 her father removed to New Castle, Ky. At a sale of public lands in Indianapolis he purchased his homestead, and removed to Indiana and built up a large practice. After leaving Kentucky,