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with charitable, temperance and general reform work. In 1876 she delivered a course of lectures in the Boston University. ELIZABETH STUART PHELPS WARD. Her published works are: "Ellen's Idol" (1864); "Up Hill" (1865); "The Tiny Series" (4 volumes, 1866 to 1869); "The Gypsy Series" (4 volumes, 1866 to 1869); "Mercy Gliddon's Work" (1866); "I Don't Know How" (1867); "The Gates Ajar," twenty editions in the first year (1868); "Men, Women and Ghosts" (1869); "Hedged In" (1870); "The Silent Partner" (1870); "The Trotty Book" (1870); "Trotty's Wedding Tour" (1871); "What to Wear" (1873); "Poetic Studies" (1875); "The Story' of Avis" (1877); "My Cousin and I" (1879); "Old Maids' Paradise" (1879); "Sealed Orders" (1879); "Friends, a Duet" (1881); "Beyond the Gates" (1883); "Dr. Zay" (1884); "The Gates Between" (1887); "Jack the Fisherman" (1887); "The Struggle for Immortality," essays; "Poetic Studies." and "Songs of the Silent World." Besides her books, she has written many sketches, stories and poems for "Harper's Magazine," "Atlantic Monthly," "Youth's Companion" and other periodicals. Her most famous work is "The Gates Ajar," which has passed through many large editions in the United States and Great Britain, and was translated into several European languages. In October, 1888, she became the wife of Rev. Herbert D. Ward. Since then she has published "Fourteen to One," a volume of stories, and, in collaboration with her husband, "The Master of the Magicians" and "Come Forth." In the summer she and her husband live in East Gloucester, Mass., and in the winter their home is in Newton Highlands. Her productions throughout are marked by elevated spirit and thoughtfulness. She is interested in all philanthropic work, and she gives much time, labor and money for benevolent interests. Her circle of readers is a large one and is constantly growing.

WARD, Mrs. Genevieve, singer and actor, born in New York, N. Y., 27th March, 1833. She is a granddaughter of Gideon Lee. Her full maiden name was Lucia Genoveva Teresa, and the name GENEVIEVE WARD. by which she is known is only her stage-name. In childhood she lived in France and Italy. In 1848 her fine voice attracted the attention of Rossini, who trained her in music. She sang in "Lucrezia Borgia," in La Scala, Milan, and afterward in Bergamo and Paris. In London, Eng., she sang in English opera. In December, 1851, she sang in "Messiah," in London. She became the wife of Count Constantine Guerbel, a Russian officer, before she went upon the operatic stage, and for a time she used the name Madame Guerrabella on the bills. In 1862 she gave Italian operas in London, and in that year she came to the United States. She sang in New York, Philadelphia and Havana, Cuba. She was ill with diphtheria and lost her singing voice. She then gave vocal lessons in New York for several years and prepared for the dramatic stage. She was coldly received in New York City. In 1873 she went to England, and on 1st October made her début as Lady Macbeth in Manchester. She succeeded and added other standard tragedies to her list, and played successfully in all the larger English and Irish towns. In 1877 she went to Paris to study with François Joseph Regnier, and there she played a French version of Macbeth so successfully that she was invited to join the Comédie Française. She then repeated her success in London, and in 1878 she appeared in New York City. In 1879 she returned to London, and since then she has played in England and the United States with great success. In 1882 she started on a tour of the world, which was ended in November, 1885. She then became the manager of the Lyceum Theater in London. In 1888 she retired from the stage.

WARD, Miss Mary E., poet, born in North Danville, Vt., 2nd May, 1843. The farm which has