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work is praised as an almost unrivaled translation. She has also translated works by George Sand.

WORTHEN, Mrs. Augusta Harvey, educator and author, born in Sutton, N. H., 27th September, 1823. She is the daughter of Col. John and AUGUSTA HARVEY WORTHEN. Sally Greeley Harvey. Col. John Harvey was a younger brother of Jonathan and Matthew Harvey, who both became members of Congress. Matthew was, in 1831, governor of New Hampshire. When Augusta was eight years of age, she went to live with the last-named uncle, in Hopkinton, N. H., and remaimed six years, during which time she enjoyed the advantage of tuition in Hopkinton Academy. At the age of sixteen she commenced to teach in district schools, which occupation she followed for two years. Weary of idleness during the long vacations, she found employment in a Lowell cotton factory. There she remained three years, doing each day's work of fourteen hours in the factory and pursuing her studies in the evenings in a select school. The first article she offered lot print was written during that time, and was printed in the Lowell "Offering," a magazine devoted exclusively to the productions of the mill operatives. After three years she resumed teaching, and was at one time pupil-assistant in the Andover, N. H., academy, paying for her own tuition by instructing some of the younger classes. On 15th September, 1855, she became the wife of Charles F. Worthen, of Candia, N. H., who died on 15th January, 1882. After marriage to Mr. Worthen, she set herself to work to carry her share of their mutual burdens, but, after a time, comfort and competence being attained, she engaged in study and composition, and wrote prose sketches and poems. The great work of her life has been the preparation of a history of her native town, extending to over eleven-hundred pages. It was published in 1891. It is the first New Hampshire town history prepared by a woman. This heavy work being accomplished, she is again employing her ready pen in writing articles of a lighter and more imaginative character. Her home is in Lynn, Mass., to which city she removed from Danvers, Mass., with her husband, in 1858.

WRAY, Mrs. Mary A., actor, born in 1805 and died in Newtown, N. Y., 5th October, 1892. Her maiden name was Retan. She became the wife of Mr. Wray in 1826, and soon afterward she went on the stage, making her debut as a dancer in the Chatham Street Theater, in New York City. She made rapid progress in the dramatic art. and appeared as Lady Macbeth with Edwin Forrest in the Walnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, Pa. She then played for six years in the Old Bowery Theater, in New York City, where she supported Junius Brutus Booth, the father of Edwin Booth. She traveled through the South with a company in which Joseph Jefferson and John Ellsler appeared in Charleston, S. C. In 1848 she was a member of the Seguin Opera Company. In 1864 she retired from the stage. Her family consisted of four children. One of her sons was known on the minstrel stage as "Billy Wray." He lost his life in the burning of the "Evening Star," on the way from New York to New Orleans, in 1866. Her other son, Edward, died in the same year in Illinois. Two daughters and a number of grandchildren survive her. Mrs. Wray was for over thirty-five years a member of the American Dramatic Fund. She was a woman of conspicuous talents and high character, and was, at the time of her death, the oldest representative of the American stage.

WRIGHT, Miss Hannah Amelia, physician, born in New York City. 18th August, 1836. She is a daughter of Charles Cushing and Lavinia HANNAH AMELIA WRIGHT. D. Wright. Her father was a native of Maine. Her mother was born in Charleston, S. C., and was in direct lineal descent from the second settlers of that city, the Huguenots. Dr. Wright's father was