Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/518

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was strengthened by travel in Russia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.

The fine old churches of Nuremberg and the venerable edifices of Breslau afforded her most attractive subjects, which she treated with such distinction that her pictures were sought by kings and princes as well as by appreciative connoisseurs.

Her success increased her confidence in herself and enhanced the boldness and freedom with which she handled her brush. An exhibition of her work in Berlin led to her receiving a commission from the Government to paint two pictures for the Paris Exposition, 1900. "Mayence at Sunset" and the "Leipzig Market-Place in Winter" were the result of this order, and are two of her best works. Occasionally this artist has painted genre subjects, but her real success has not been in this direction.