Page:Women in the Fine Arts From the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentiet.djvu/84

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Arts, Cowles Art School, Boston; under Frederick Freer, William Chase, and Siddons Mowbray.

This artist has painted numerous portraits and has been especially successful with pictures of children. She has a method of her own of which she has recently written me.

She claims that it is excellent for life-size portraits in water-colors. The paper she uses is heavier than any made in this country, and must be imported; the water-colors are very strong. Mrs. Baker claims that in this method she gets "the strength of oils with the daintiness of water-colors, and that it is beautiful for women and children, and sufficiently strong for portraits of men."

She rarely exhibits, and her portraits are in private houses.

Bakhuyzen, Juffrouw Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande. Silver medal at The Hague, 1857; honorary medal at Amsterdam, 1861; another at The Hague, 1863; and a medal of distinction at Amsterdam Colonial Exhibition, 1885. Daughter of the well-known animal painter. From childhood she painted flowers, and for a time this made no especial impression on her family or friends, as it was not an uncommon occupation for girls. At length her father saw that this daughter, Gerardina—for he had numerous daughters, and they all desired to be artists—had talent, and when, in 1850, the Minerva Academy at Groningen gave out "Roses and Dahlias" as a subject, and offered a prize of a little more than ten dollars for the best example, he encouraged Gerardina to enter the contest. She received the contemptible reward, and found.