Page:Women of distinction.djvu/450

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the intellectual women of France afford numerous examples of what may be accomplished by woman in society. Who has not heard of Madames Récamier and Roland, of Madame de Sevigne, hated by Louis XIV. because of her wit; of Madame de Staël, persecuted by Napoleon, who could not forgive her for being more clever than himself? These women, when old and faded, still charmed by grace and cultivation of mind. Loveliness of person is a rare gift, a precious boon to be duly appreciated, but only mind is truly beautiful.

"Mind, miud alone, bear witness, earth and heaven;
The living fountain in itself contains of beauteous and sublime! Here hand in hand
Sit paramount the graces."

The possession of a higher education multiplies woman's bread-winning opportunities. This is a most important consideration. All women do not enter the domestic state, and even many who do are afterwards so situated as to require a resort to some means of earning their own living and that of others dependent upon them. What shall these women do? It is true that sewing is considered a very respectable occupation and nursing is certainly a most feminine employment, but some women have no desire to sing the song of the shirt and possess no taste for minding babies, least of all those of other people; besides, both of these avenues of female labor, as others of similar character, are overcrowded and but slightly remunerative.

I repeat it, what is to be done with these women, seeking the means by which to earn their daily bread?